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Third pov

It was the say after the party. Everyone had drank. Some a lot more then others. The parents that went out of Hogwarts and drank at the bar had gotten rooms and fucked.

The seventh years had gotten drunk out of their right minds. James had walked to Matteo' room. with Teddy while all three of them were drunk and had sex. A mistake that would leave James Potter crying.

Marvolo had ended up in bed with two boys who had just turned 18. In his drunk and hazy mind he didn't realize what he was doing and let the two have their with him.

Draco had drank a little too much and he had sent the three out to a room early because they were babies and wanted to sleep. The three had fallen asleep in his room on top of each other and Draco wasn't gonna give a chance on drinking, so he going the professors and parents on their trip to a local bar.

Ron, Harry and Draco ended up having sex, again. When Draco woke up he didn't know what to do. So he just sat on the chair that was in the hotel room.

When the other two woke up, it was extremely quite and they just stared at each other after brushing their teeth.

"Why?" Draco asked as he looked at the two from his place on the chair.

"I was afraid. I didn't know what to do and I left. When I realized I loved you, I got scared and I ran away. But when I realized there was nothing to fear, it was too late." Ron said and ran his hand through his hair.

"What was there to fear about love?" Draco asked with a sigh.

"Everything." He whispered with tears slowly making their way down his face.

"What about you?" Draco asked and Harry looked away from him in guilt.

"You were a death eater and a man." He said and Draco rolled his eyes and crossed his legs.

"Then why did you meet with me when you knew you wouldn't love me?" He asked with of anger in his voice visible.

"I couldn't stop. Before I had realized I had fallen for you. I backed of because I was scared of what people would say." Harry replied.

"And now are you gonna run again?" Draco asked while looking away from the two.

"I don't want to. I regret ever leaving you. But I don't you will accept us now cause after all you have moved on." Harry said as he stood up from where he was sat.

"You think I moved on. I wasn't allowed to. I had two reminders in the form of children always reminding me of you two. I loved you a little too much. My love for you never vanished. We had a relationship that laster six months and I knew I loved you two more then anyone. If you still do love me then tell me and I will gladly accept you two." Draco said and stood up and walked towards the two with strong and powerful steps.

"I loved you. And always will." Ronald whispered and Draco hugged him and Harry hesitantly did the same.


"My back hurts." James said as he woke up and frowned at the new found information.

James looked down at himself and his eyes widened. He was naked. And Teddy and Matteo were beside him, also naked.

They had not put back on their clothes, but they had bathed after their activities last night. But they had not bothered with putting on clothes.

James hit Matteo and Teddy on their chests to try and wake them up. Teddy groggily opened his eyes and gave him the stink eye and Matteo gripped his hand in his tightly and restrained his both hands.

"Matteo..." James said in shock and Matteo let go of his hands, James pulling them to himself and rubbing them.

"You fucking asshole." James said and Matteo got out of bed.

James quickly did a refreshing spell on himself when he found his wand. He sighed as he looked at Teddy expectantly and he quickly did a healing spell which allowed him to feel much more refreshed. Teddy also did a spell that vanished their hangover.

"Our first time happened last night. And we don't even remember it. Well not for James and I, but with you." Teddy said with a huff from James.

"Well we can always make up for that right now." Matteo whispered and James glared at him as he stepped forwards and Matteo immediately stopped.


Marvolo stirred awake and ground at the blasting headache. His eyes shot open when he registered the pain between his legs and his lower back.

He looked on the couch to see two red haired men staring back at him with a scared gaze. They were his students. Fred Weasley and Louis Weasley. They were friends and related from what he knew. And then his eyes landed on another man that was in the room. Professor Neville. He couldn't believe what he had done. Neville had never gotten in a relationship that lasted and now he had slept with Marvolo and his two students.

Marvolo almost started to cry when he looked between his legs and saw some blood. He knew he had lost his omega virginity in that moment. His legs shook as he looked down at himself. He doesn't know how he will face his brothers. He had promised his virginity to an alpha and he had given it to someone else.

An alpha that will kill everyone when he finds out about the betrayal. His brothers fight was the result of him being put on stake as a bride and he had given his virginity to someone else. He just hoped he hadn't gotten pregnant, because if he has then he would be in even more trouble.

He looked at the watch he had and he knew that his family will be informed about him losing his virginity any minute now. There was this ancient thing that the parents of an royal omega know when a betrothed omega loses their virginity. But it usually happens after 24 to 25 hours.

He knew he was fucked. His family was going to he soo angry. He was the one who had promised his virginity to that beast of a man and now he had given it to someone else. He had broken a promise he had made. He was going to be in so much trouble.

Not only him but the two Weasley' might just meet their deaths.

Authors note

Updated on: 27 August 2021

Word count:

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