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Third pov

"We are not here for trouble. Lower your wands." Draco said as he walked in and sat down on the couch and everyone still had their wands out, except for the ones that were still at Hogwarts and too young to do magic.

"How can we trust you?" James asked as he looked at Matteo with a betrayed look on his face as he looked down at Fred who was still on the floor with a bleeding nose.

"You have to believe me when I say we will not hurt you. But on the hand Fred, Loius and Neville, well I can't make a promise on not hurting them." Matteo said and James shook his head in disappointment.


"Marvolo your family is here and they are asking for you." Right after Louis said that, panic settled in Marvolo' heart.

"I need to leave." He said and got up and started to walk towards the window but his hand was caught by Louis looked at him with his eyes moist with tears.

"They look angry. Please Marvolo let's go downstairs." Louis begged.

"Are you trying to scare me even more by saying they are angry." Marvolo cryed out torn between crying or laughing at his life.

"Let's go and meet my doom." Marvolo said as he wiped his tears off and put up a strong front.

As he walked down the stairs he felt himself grow uneasy. He didn't want to go down there and face them. The moment he was in front of his family he slowly moved behind Louis and used the red head as a shield.

"What have you done Marvolo?" Draco asked in a disappointed voice.

"I am sorry." Marvolo broke down into tears and Draco stood up from his place, walked towards him and hugged him as tightly as he could.

"No need to feel so scared. I will deal with Alpha Alphonse." Draco whispered and looked behind him at his children and one flick of his hand and they all backed away, Matteo let go of Fred but still gave him a shove and Anton pushed Neville away rather harshly.


"Matteo let's go. Hurry up." Marvolo said as he pulled his older brother towards the door.

"Marvolo. I don't want to go to the party." Matteo whined.

"Please." Marvolo pleaded and shoved the other in the passenger seat of their car.

He quickly rushed to the other side and got in the drivers side. Niklaus and Everest were already in the car and Niklaus smirked when he saw his older brothers. They were not supposed to go to this party but they were rule breakers and that always resulted in trouble. They had went to their first parties at the age of 13 and they were now 16.

Draco did not know about this, they did all of the partying away from town. The rumor mill had worked and a lot of people knew but because Draco was busy with work he didn't know anything.

"You always like to go to parties. Why don't you wanna go today?" Marvolo asked as he drove a little more faster.

"You are the problem Marvolo." Matteo shouted as he looked at his omega twin. He was jealous of him because he got all the attention.

"How am I the problem?" Marvolo asked as slowed down.

"You are always getting things. You are the one who is accompanied every where. The one who I have to always look after." Matteo said and Marvolo didn't understand why his brother was acting like this.

"Matteo you do know that Marvolo is an omega. A royal omega at that." Niklaus said from the back seat.

"So? He is not special." Matteo said and Niklaus huffed.

"Every alpha will paw at him at any chance they get. You have to protect him from the disgusting alphas that think they can have their way with any omega they want. And Marvolo was born with a weaker body. He can't protect himself." Niklaus said and Marvolo didn't even feel belittled because he knew the younger was right. He has asmah and was born weak and still is weak. He has done everything but he ends up in the hospital because he isn't breathing right or something.

"I just alone time. I want to fuck and trying to care for him doesn't allow me to do anything. But I am sorry for being like this. I know why I have to care for you." Matteo huffed and Marvolo didn't say anything he just parked the car and got out, all the others following behind.

The four drank a little bit of alcohol and roamed around. Matteo staying with Marvolo the whole time. And in a feat of anger, Marvolo decided to give him brother a dangerous challenge, knowing his brother will do it. In his drunk state he did a very thing and everyone will agree to it.

"Matteo you see Amelia there?" Marvolo asked his brother slowly and he saw his brother turn and look at her.

"One of Alpha Alphonse' betrothed?" Matteo asked as he looked at the girl.

"Yeah. You know she is the first choice and has to remain a virgin until marriage or they will not get married." Marvolo said as he took a sip from his red solo cup.

"Yeah. To be honest the second choice is a dick. The other choice is a male omega and he is a grade a asshole. I hope that asshole of an alpha doesn't marry that dick or it will not be good." Matteo replied and then took a swig from his beer can.

"I challenge you to go and flirt with her and take her virginity." His addled brain really was making a bad decision. All the things he was saying, he wouldn't have if he were to have been in a correct thought process.

"Do you want to get me killed?" Matteo asked while placing his empty beer can on the table behind. But the demon inside was ready to accept the challenge and alpha in him didn't like that he was being challenged and wanted to prove that he could win a challenge.

"I challenged you. I didn't say do it." Marvolo whispered wanting to see his brother fail a challenge for once. He knew his brother was smart and would probably back down but he didn't know just how drunk Matteo was. And a challenge just made his inner beings angry.

Authors note

Updated on: 08 September 2021

Word count:

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