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Third pov

As Marvolo watched his brother flirt he didn't really understand why he wasn't stopping him. He had said he should after Matteo said he accepted the challenge, but Matteo refused to back down after being challenged by an omega.

Marvolo looked away from the two and lazily grabbed a beer can. He liked drinking and he was soon going to stop and take the sobering potion when he was done with drinking.

If he had payed attention to his brother, then he would have seen him start to lead the other up the stairs. He would tried to stop him, begged him if he could. But alcohol can play with a mans mind. One whole hour passed and Matteo was nowhere in sight and Marvolo didn't seem to care where the other went.

But all the alphas seemed to have noticed. And there was already plans in their heads of how they will take the omega as they pleased.

Marvolo was leaning on a tree outside when the other omega approached him. Marvolo looked up from the floor when he heard leaves scrunching under the weight of a person. He sneered when he saw that it was the second choice male omega of alpha Alphonse. He hated the older omega.

"Marvolo. Did your family leave you?" Jaden, the omega said and then made a mock crying face and then laughed with his possible future brother in-law.

Marvolo frowned even more when he saw Alphonse' brother. His name was Kyle and it was rumored that the man is a rapist. And he is also just very creepy.

"What do you Jaden?" Marvolo asked with a pissed tone.

"I just want to show you your place. Since you are the 'royal omega' and all. I want you to know that you are not a good omega. You will not even be able to please an alpha or a beta. I am sure you will marry one of those weak gammas cause not even beta would want you as their wife." Jaden said and then pushed him, resulting in him falling down rather messily, in his drunken state. Kyle grabbed his wrists and pulled him deeper into the forest, Marvolo and tried to scream but they were silenced by a gag. In his drunken state he couldn't fight very well and he couldn't reach for his sobering potion because his hands were soon tied to a tree.

Jaden stood there as Kyle ripped Marvolo' clothes off. Marvolo thought back to the rumors and chuckled cause he was getting to first hand experience it and know that the rumors are all quite true. Alphonse may be a ruthless man but he never raped, but Kyle is someone who could not be considered human, nor animal.

"You asshole." There was shout and then Kyle was pushed off of Marvolo before he layed his filthy lips on him or before he touched him around his privates.

"I am soo sorry brother." Everest cried as he took of the ropes and helped his brother get back into his clothes.

Everest and Marvolo looked towards their right when they heard a scream and then the scent blood wafted around them.

Marvolo' eyes widen when he say his younger brother slam a rock right on Kyle' chest, eyes blood shot and his skin scaly from his dragon wanting to burst through and burn the forest to the ground because he didn't like someone touching his older omega brother. Niklaus then turned and looked at Jaden who was frozen in place.

Niklaus always got bloody. He was always ready to kill anyone who threatened family. And these two had decided to try and hurt his brother. Niklaus stood up and stalked towards the other who finally got out of shock and tried to run. But instead he got trapped in between a blood thirsty dragon and the tree.

Niklaus' hands turned to claws as big as Jaden' head. And in one swift movement Niklaus took a life and incited screams from his omega brothers. Niklaus' vision was golden as he stared down at the heart in his hand. It slowly fell down to the ground besides its owner and Niklaus stared at his hands with no emotion. He felt no regret.

Niklaus turned around to face his brothers and looked down in shame.

"I am sorry." Niklaus whispered and then looked back up to his two brothers and they smiled.

"Forgiven." They said as they looked at the body behind Niklaus. Rumor has it that Jaden was the one to help Kyle rape many omegas he felt threatened by.

They always say rumor has it, but it never is a rumor and it all is true. Especially about these two. Niklaus sat down and looked at the two bodies near him. Kyle was still breathing but Jaden had no chance to be alive. After all his heart was ripped out and it now lay beside him on the floor.

"Kyle." Hannah, Kyle and Alphonses little sister screamed as she saw her brother laying there with blood pooling besides him. He was still breathing.

Niklaus looked at the body laying there and clenched his fists. His claws digging into his palms. His eyes golden and his dragon was more present then himself. People were starting to pool around the crime sight and the alphas were already called.

Matteo heard the commotion and with Amelia beside him, the two walked outside and towards the noise. Matteo could smell the blood and his brother' scent.

When he reached in between he was shocked at the scene. Marvolo and Everest were sat on the floor with Marvolo softly crying into Everest' shoulders and Niklaus was stood between two bodies with blood dripping from his hands and two bodies laying at his feet.

"What have you done?" A loud booming voice questioned. Everyone looked towards the voice to see a tall man. He was an adult and his alpha pheromones were rather strong.

Authors note

Updated on: 08 September 2021

Word count:

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