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Matteo Riddle' pov

It had been a month since we had started teaching and there was no trouble. We were having fun. But I had not been able to grab a hold of the cute boy.

His full name was James Potter. When I had found out about that I had been quite hesitant. But I had a talk with my papa and he told me to go ahead and try to get him to like me.

I was on detention duty today. We didn't do detention the way Hogwarts does. We do it the muggle way. While papa does give detention that makes them go to the forest.

And all the Weasley' from year 7 were here. There was Louis Weasley. The twins, Fred and Roxanne Weasley.

"Is that everyone?" I asked and Louis shook his head.

I nodded and sighed. They all had gotten detention in Niklaus and Everest' class for saying something. Mostly for disrupting the class and pushing each other which resulted in one of them pushing someone that was trying to concentrate.

Soon the door burst open and in rushed James Sirius Potter. He quickly signed the register and rushed to sit down. I stood there with my hand on the handle of the office.

"James come in my office right now." I said and walked in. I heard them arguing about something then a very flustered James walked in.

"Yes professor?" He asked as he moved from one to the other.

"Come and sit here." I pointed to beside me on the couch. He walked forward and then slowly sat down.

"Why is it that you are avoiding me? And you have also missed a few of my classes with the lie that you were sick. I asked around and found out that you went to everyones class." I said and he blushed.

"Its just that..." He trailed of and looked away from me.

"I like you James." I said without thinking and he looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Professor nobody knows this but I am already dating someone." He said as he moved back.

"Well I can share. And I am sure I will like that person too." I pushed him back so he layed down on the couch and hovered over him.

"I told him about you and he said I could go on and he wouldn't mind. He just wanted to meet you or write a letter to you." It seemed like the other man heard a lot about me from James and I feel like he cares for him soo much that he would do anything for him to be happy.

"Can I kiss you then?" I asked and he stayed quiet for a long time then nodded.

"Verbal answer dear." I whispered in his ear.

"Please... kiss me." He whispered and without wasting any time I slammed my lips against his.

Draco Malfoy' pov

"Are you all in detention?" I asked as I looked over the red heads and they nodded.

"Yep." Fred Weasley muttered.

"Is Matteo in the office?" I asked and they looked at each other and then back at me and nodded.

I walked towards the office door and opened it. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open at the scene in front of me.

Matteo was hovering on top of James Potter. Their lips were connected in a heavy make out session and Matteo had his hand under James' robes.

I slammed the door shut and looked at the group that was sat there in detention.

"Did you know?" I asked and they all looked at me confused.

"What's going on in there?" Roxanne Weasley asked and I closed my eyes and opened them again, trying to get rid of the images.

"They are kissing." I said and then slammed my hand over my mouth.

"Don't tell anyone that I told you." I said and then quickly walked out.

I started to walk back to my class and while going there I saw another shocking thing. Scorpius and Albus hand in hand and Albus had his face buried in the others neck.

I took a deep inhale and then exhaled. Today was filled with shocking things. I shook my head and continued walking. Hoping and wishing, that I don't encounter any son of mine in someone's arms.

I went straight to my classroom and then wondered if I should go to Niklaus and Everest' classroom and call Anton and tell him about all this. After what felt hours of debating I finally decided that I will tell him all about this.

I got our of my chair and quickly walked to Niklaus and Everest' classroom. As I walked I debated on how to break the news to them. Anton and the other two were very protective over Scorpius. And me telling them that their little one has grown up will differently make them want to come here.

When I reached the classroom I first knocked and then when I got a clear come in, then I walked in. I didn't want to see anyone kissing anymore.

"Papa. Is something wrong?" Everest asked me while Niklaus glared at me, looking like I had interrupted something.

"Give me a phone. I want to call Anton." I said and he pointed at the radio phone. That phone didn't need any radio waves or wires to be able to make a call. It just needed another partner phone.

I quickly picked it up and fumbled around with it then called Anton, just hoping that one of the three will pick the phone up.

"Hello." Came the deep voice from the other side and I internally rejoiced.

"Anton. I found out something that you may or may not like." I said and then heard rustling on the other side.

"What is that you have found out?" Asmodeus asked.

"Scorpius is being all fluffy with Albus Potter and Matteo was kissing James Potter." I said in panic.

"Are you telling me those two are.... dating?" Salem squealed and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. But don't you get the Potter part?" I asked and then there was silence I looked behind myself at Niklaus and Everest to see them looking at each other awkwardly.

"They are dating Niklaus' half brothers?" Anton asked.

"Yes. You three should come at the graduation Hogwarts has for 7th years. If they last till then than I don't know what we will do." I said.

Authors note

Updated on: 27 August 2021

Word count:

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