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Authors note

This is set after a week of the events that took place in the last chapter. Keep that in mind.


Ronald Weasley' pov

"There has been rumors..." Ginny trailed of at the breakfast table and everyone looked up to her.

"What about?" Harry asked as he looked up from his meal.

"It is about Draco Malfoy..." She trailed of again and everyone surrounding the now payed attention to her.

"What about him?" I asked with a slight tinge of panic settling in my heart.

"He killed a witch. Her throat was slit open. The wound was jagged which led to it being said that he killed her the muggle way. By a dagger." She said and I looked at Harry to see a look of betrayal cross his face.

"We really should have just sent him to Azkaban. He doesn't deserve freedom. We should find him and throw him in Azkaban. I think you may have made a very big mistake Harry." George said as he slammed his hand on the table.

"George, respect. We don't know the reason he killed the witch." Mother scolded him.

"It is a rumor as Ginny stated. So there are chances it could not be true." Bill said and I nodded in agreement with him.

"He is right. Ginny don't talk rumors here." I said and Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Actually it's not a rumor. I went to his house. It was Harry who was supposed to go but I went. There a young witch was dead. On his living room floor. And the crazy part is, that lady was a crazy lady that attacked children. And the thing that made the floor slip from my feet was the children items in his house. There was baby bottles, bibs, dummies, baby clothes, baby shoes, nappies and there was muggle formula and all the things a baby could possibly need." Ginny said.

I didn't understand what she was hinting at.

"So?" Harry asked and she looked at him with an annoyed look on her face.

"It was confirmed that there was at least a baby in his house. And that lady went there to kill the baby. That could have resulted in him attacking her." Ginny said and then looked around the table with her eyebrows raised as if wondering if they are going to comment on it.

"Have you found him?" George asked.

"A body has been found. He has white hair. He was Malfoys age. Lucius Malfoy said it wasn't his son but a muggle but the case has been closed. We looked forearm, he had a death eater tattoo. It wasn't in any way a real mark. The hair was dyed white. And he probably saw the mark on someone and decides to get it. But I went into the forest and found blood footprints leading upto the mans body. But he was wearing shoes. Draco Malfoy is dead." Ginny said with a shake of her head as if she were to be in disbelief.

"That is too many coincidences for that man to not be Draco Malfoy." Charlie said as he looked deep in thought.

"Its him Ginny. You are looking too much into it." Harry said and I felt my blood boil. Harry looked like he didn't care about Malfoy. I gripped my spoon tighter to make sure I said nothing.

"Maybe it is." She said and then shrugged.

"I am going to my room." I said as I stoof up and put the bowl in the sink and looked at the table to see Hermione give me knowing nod and smile.

I rushed up to the attic fell onto my bed. And before I knew it I was sobbing into my pillow.

I heard the door open but I didn't turn around to look who it was because I already knew. Harry was there.

"I don't think we deserve to cry when we were the ones who refused him love." He said and then into bed beside me.

Draco Malfoy' pov

"What are the results?" I asked as I sat in Antons office with the other two also lingering around with Matteo Riddle and Marvolo Snape, both of them named after their father who was much more saner then his brother, Voldemort. Matteo Marvolo wasn't known by anyone because the man lived in the muggle world.

But he has came to the wizarding world and had ended up with two babies. One his blood and the other his son but not by blood. Matteo is the saner brothers son and Marvolo name was given to my godfathers son because he decided it was a better name.

"Everything came out good. You are pregnant. Two months pregnant. We need to do an ultrasound to see how the babies are doing and how many there are." He said and I slunk into my chair.

"Maybe there is only one." I said as I thought back to my two lovers.

"You know there would be two or more just as much as I know that." He said as his eyes went to Asmodeus and Salem who had Matteo and Marvolo in their hands.

"Why do you say that?" Asmodeus asked and I pursed my lips together.

"Would you like to explain?" Anton asked and I nodded.

I had gotten close to the three of these men and it was better to tell them about this part.

"An ancient or royal omega as some say is only able to ever carry twins with two different DNA'. If there is no two fathers then they will not fall pregnant. Matteo and Marvolo were born from my father Lucius Malfoy to Matteo Marvolo Riddle and Severus Snape. I was the one tasked with taking care of them because if anyone found out about the two they would have been instantly killed as their fathers were known as enemies and their carrier was also known as an evil man. And my father had many people surrounding him, so he couldn't possibly take care of them, while Matteo was almost caught so he has ran of into the muggle world. And Severus Snape, well he is supposed to he dead, but he lived but is a coma. I took them to myself cause I couldn't let them die. They are my brothers, who will now be my own children. I really do not know how I will take care of four children."

"We will always help Draco. You will tell us about your world, while we will tell you about ours. They are now ours. A platonic relationship is set in place. We will take care of them as best friends." Asmodeus said and jumped with Matteo in his arms and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

"How am I gonna survive?" I asked and Salem chuckled.

Authors note

Updated on: 14 August 2021

Word count:

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