Chapter Twenty-Five

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This was the second time I had woken up from a normal sleep in the past 24 hours. Well, at least I thought it had been 24 hours. I had no idea how long I was out for when I got to the old Avengers Tower. At least I was here, in the familiar medical bay this time.

I opened my eyes fully and took in my surroundings. Nothing was different. It's not like much could change in this room; maybe that was a good thing, because I was back somewhere I knew.

"FRIDAY?" I questioned quietly, hoping that she was still here. It wouldn't make sense if she wasn't, but I wasn't exactly used to things going exactly my way- especially today.

"You're awake, Miss Silva. What can I assist you with?" she answered, stopping my thinking and causing me to smile lightly.

"How long was I out?" I asked. My hope was that it wasn't too long, like maybe a day or two at the most. An hour would be best case scenario. I already spent a good bit of my life asleep, I didn't want to waste any more of it.

There was a moment, and I figured she was checking to see how long I had been here. "You've been unconscious at the tower for 12.14 hours," she answered. I smiled in the familiarity of her specific ways. It was really nice. "I have notified Mr. Stark about you regaining consciousness, and he is on his way."

I went cold at that. It's no surprise, I mean I came here where I knew he'd be. Plus, of course he'd want answers as to why I showed up here for the first time in months, unconscious with some serious injuries and a broken arm. Well, hopefully just a disabled arm and not completely broken.

"Thank you, FRIDAY," I whispered. She voiced a reply, but I was zoning out to focus on the ceiling. I knew what was going to happen when I got here, and yet I wasn't ready. Tony Stark was supposed to help me after I signed, or at least that's what I thought he'd do. I had told him the reason I signed the Sokovia Accords- he knew I didn't want to do where I went. So no, I wasn't exactly excited to see him again. And yet, he was helping me. Who knows, maybe he had the FBI waiting for him.

The medical bay door opened and I turned to see Stark walking in. "Well this is an interesting situation," he said when he was all the way in the room. I chuckled lightly at that and turned my head back up toward the ceiling. He made his way closer to the hospital bed I was currently in.

With the press of a button, I was starting to sit up more so I could talk in a more comfortable position. After the many times I had come in here in the past I could still remember which buttons did what.

"It is a very interesting situation." Stark let out a weak chuckle at my comment and took a few steps closer, but was still a good few feet away from me. He wasn't saying anything, so I spoke up. "Look, I'm sorry for dropping in like this," I said quietly. My eyes moved down to look at my fidgeting fingers.

My eyes widened. "My hand...?" I asked and looked back up at him.

"Yeah," he started and rubbed the back of his neck. "When I brought you in here I noticed that your arm wasn't doing anything and it just felt limp like a normal arm would if numb so I worked on it while you were out." He paused his rant for a second. "Sorry, that probably sounded really weird... you were out for a little over 12 hours and I thought you might like having your arm back."

I smiled lightly. "Thanks." We sat their awkwardly for a while- well, he stood and I laid down. There were things we both wanted to say but neither of us had the will to say it. I wanted to ask him how he could let me go to the Rift even though I signed. I wanted to know what would happen to me now, seeing as how I was the furthest thing from being free.

My mouth opened to say something but Stark beat me to it. "I'm sorry," he said suddenly, causing me to pause. My mouth closed and he started to walk around the room. "I had no idea that they took you to the Rift until Ross called me and asked where everyone had gone, and your name was thrown in there. I was livid, for obvious reasons." As he talked, I just nodded along and processed. "After that I refused to answer any calls I got from him, because I knew he'd want me to hunt you guys down. For starters, I didn't want to hurt you guys, and I also was not helping him any more.

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