Chapter Thirty

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I had Peter attach a web to my metal arm as I used my abilities to fly so we could catch him. Where we were heading, there was nowhere for Peter to swing from so I became it.

We remained quiet as we followed, close behind but not too close. Peter let out a small yell and I looked at him to see that he was looking down. "Don't look there, just focus on the above!" I called out to him. I looked back to see Vulture attaching himself to the bottom of a huge cargo plane. It was weird in the sky, possibly because it was 'invisible' at the moment but I was able to get up to it.

The Vulture went to the bottom of the plane and his wings came around him and stuck to the plane. "What the hell is he doing?" I yelled down to Peter.

"It's probably a high-altitude vacuum seal! It's so he doesn't do what we're doing!" Struggle to stop from plummeting to the ground below, is what he meant.

Peter detached from my arm and stuck to the plane itself. It took a couple tries, but he managed to stick. I, on the other hand, made an airlock around myself similar to Vulture's so I could save some of my energy.

"Hang on!" I called to Peter when I saw him struggling.

"What do you think I'm tying to do?!" Right after he said that, he started to fly back. I gasped, ready to do something, but he shot out a web and it attached and caused him to hit the plane.

I let out a sigh of relief. "What's the plan now?" I asked. He crawled his way over to me and then went by me to the wings. "Peter!"

He stopped. "I need to stop him and to do that I have to get inside!" he called back. Peter turned back to the wings and started to try and pry them off with his hands.

Surprising us both, a small drone came off the wings. "What?" Peter mumbled.

Then the plane started to move. "Shit, Peter, he's in the control room!" I called up.

"I gathered that!" he snapped back. I raised my eyebrows, shocked at the outburst. "Sorry, I'm just kinda stressed out!"

Despite what was happening, I laughed. "Peter, you're fine, just hurry!" He struggled for a few seconds more before I carefully started to come up to him. "Let me!" I yelled over the noise. He stopped kicking and I reached my metal arm out to pry it off.

I started pulling on it, and with a yell, got it to move just a bit. "Do you think that did anything?" I asked Peter. He was a nerd, he knew this kind of stuff and how it worked.

"Well, hopefully it broke the air-tight seal and is causing him issues, meaning he's mad and will cause us more issues!" he answered.

My face blanked. "Oh joy." I started to try and pry it off more, Peter joining in and kicking it, when the wings started to move. Two of the winged parts came out and we knew Vulture was back in his suit.

The man flew off and Peter started to crawl again. "Just a typical homecoming on the outside of an invisible jet fighting my girlfriends dad!" he shouted. It was obviously not to me, but I couldn't help but hear certain details.

"You have a girlfriend? And he's her dad? Damn," I responded.

"Not helping!" He barely dodged a wing from slicing into him. It instead went through the side of the plane and screwed up the panels and it's invisibleness. Peter stuck to Vulture and then shot out a web to the jet.

He looked at me quickly. "Get somewhere safe!" he shouted. He was right, I was way out of my element fighting in the sky, so I carefully made my way to the hole that was created and slipped inside. The air was still being sucked out, but at a certain distance away I was fine.

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