Chapter Forty-Eight

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The ride in the Quinjet had been mostly silent. I was sat next to Wanda while Sam flew the jet and Nat was with Bruce. I considered them my best friends and yet, I felt so weird around them. Maybe it was because of how long it has been since we've actually spoken. Who knows.

Rogers made his way up to Sam in the pilot's chair to give him more direction. I didn't remember how I got to Wakanda the first time, so this was very new to me. From where I sat, I could barely make out mountains we were heading towards.

"Rogers better know what he's doing. I didn't come all this way to crash into a goddamn mountain," I mumbled to Wanda. She put her hand on my shoulder, as if to comfort me and tell me he was right.

The scenery was gorgeous, though, so at least I would die somewhere beautiful.

"So, you and Vision?" I asked Wanda quietly. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink but that was the only response I got. "You two are very cute together."

She smiled and mumbled a small, "Thank you." It was clearly still a new subject for her so it's awkward to talk about, especially when Vision's right next to her on the other side.

I looked back out the front of the Quinjet and saw us heading right towards the mountain. "Here we go," I mumbled. The mountain in front of us started to fade away in several layers until we were staring at a beautiful city.

Everyone was looking in awe, especially Bruce. He didn't even know this is what the country looked like- that the exterior 'developing' façade was just that. I looked over at him as he gazed out and took everything in.

"This place is really amazing. I'm glad you finally get to see it," I said to him. He looked over at me with a smile, and then back out the front as we started to land. As we were standing and getting ready to exit, I painfully realized I was in my workout clothes still. Considering the battle outfit I did have was almost destroyed, I didn't even think about changing.

The back opened and we were greeted by King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje that always came with him. Rogers and Nat led the group while I stayed with Wanda to help her with Vision. We all stopped right in front of him as Rogers shook his hand.

Bruce cleared his throat, catching my attention, and I watched as he awkwardly bowed. It was hard to hold back my laughter. "We don't do that here," King T'Challa said. Bruce looked annoyed as Rhodes shoved him with his shoulder and laughed.

The group started walking again. Wanda and Visions broke off so he could get settled but I chose to walk with the others. "So how big of an assault should we expect?" T'Challa asked us.

Bruce stumbled forward to answer. "Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault," he answered.

"All he wants is the stone and he's not going to stop until he gets it, so yeah, quite a big assault sounds about right," I added on. T'Challa gave me a quick glance, not knowing how I knew all this probably, but then looked forward again and kept going.

"How we looking?" Nat asked next.

He looked back at her while responding. "You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje and..." He trialed off and gestured to in front of us.

Where Barnes finished the sentence. "A semi-stable 100-year-old man." He was wearing a new Wakandan made arm that no longer brandished the fading red star of Hydra. It was a small thing, but it made a huge difference for him. I would know.

Rogers went up to him immediately and they hugged it out. They exchanged some quiet words, but then we were moving again. With Wanda gone with Vision, I walked alongside Sam.

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