Chapter Thirty-Seven

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My eyes struggled to open and the second they did, I regretted it. I thought I was still hallucinating when I started seeing the strangest colors surrounding me. There was a voice talking, too. I didn't focus on any of that- instead I focused on the restraints around my wrists and ankles.

They felt metal, but I knew there had to be some sort of gap I could find to pry them open and get out. But first, I had to figure out exactly where I was before I could figure out how to get out. Taking the restraints off was only the first step and the easiest depending on where I was being held.

So I waited until a shades of red started zooming past me and it felt like I was speeding through some sort of tunnel. My eyes darted around until I was able to find a small seam and figured this was an ultra realistic hologram of sorts. Tony's taught me well. Well, so has Hydra.

It all suddenly disappeared and I was met with the face of a creepy old man. He had a blue line that started on his bottom lip and went down his chin and matching blue eyeliner. His grey hair stood up in a strange hairstyle and he was wearing gold robes that looked cheaply expensive.

He continued to stare and smile at me as I stared him down. In my peripheral vision, I was trying to figure out my surroundings to see the best escape route but didn't move my eyes to alert this old man of my plans. He was really creepy.

There were a lot of people off to the right, socializing and having drinks. I saw Loki over there, socializing with a few people but could also recognize a scheming look in his face. He was quite the character.

Other than that, I couldn't see much for an escape.

"Hi there," he finally spoke. I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're interesting. Most of the people who end up in these chairs start fighting the restraints the second they realize they're in them."

I shrugged, still not saying a word and focusing on using my abilities to open up the ankle restraints. My metal arm would easily be able to tear open the wrist ones I figured, but I was prepared to mentally open those too.

"You're not a very talkative one, are you? That's okay I can talk enough for the both of us," he said. Taking a few steps back, he opened his arms up in a grand gesture. "Welcome to Sakaar! The planet for all things lost and unwanted!"

The words struck a certain chord in my heart but I remained stoic on the outside. "No? Nothing? Fine. But! I will let you know that you have been selected to be a champion! Yay! Applause! Okay, you're no fun." He rolled his eyes dramatically then walked up to me and stood right in front of me. Again.

He was not on my good list. I narrowed my eyes at him which made him laugh. "Finally! I got a reaction. You like your personal space, don't you?" he asked. He lifted a finger up and poked my cheek, and then used his other hand to poke at my metal arm, which is when I noticed my jacket had been taken off and I was left in a 'Clueless' t-shirt.

The plates on my arm shifted to match my right arm as if flexed- this guy was pissing me off. I felt the restraints on my ankles open, same with the one on my right wrist, and got ready.

He touched my face again and I tore my metal arm from the restraint and gripped his throat with it while also pulling a knife out of the bottom of my shoe to hold to his chest. "Touch me again and I won't stop here," I threatened lowly.

It was now silent around us, the socializing stopped and everyone staring at us. At first, the man looked slightly terrified, but then he got his composure back. "What an interesting little trick that was quite entertaining," he said. His voice had that airy confidence back but I could hear the shaking underneath.

Two pairs of hands grabbed each of my arms. I willingly dropped the knife and let go of his neck, letting them pull me back and push me into the chair again. The man simply laughed louder now that I was no longer threatening him. "Continue the festivities!" he called and the people cheered and started socializing again. Loki kept an eye on me, however.

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