Chapter Twenty-Six

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The next two days were spent packing things and then buying things when Tony realized I didn't have many things to call my own. We mostly did online shopping since he would draw too much attention and I was wanted by the highest governments around. Outside wasn't an option.

So I had my stuff all packed up and was just waiting on a few online things to come in when I heard an excited voice chattering away from down the hall. I was currently sitting on a couch in the living room. And the voice was coming towards me.

I turned towards the source and saw a teenager trailing behind Tony as he talked animatedly. "I just- Mr. Stark this is a huge honor especially because, you know, after the whole Germany thing, I was real worried I was never gonna hear from you again so this is absolutely incredible thank you Mr. Stark!"

Tony, unlike his little friend, looked drained. I chuckled lightly then decided to see what was going on. "Hey, who's this?" I asked. Tony looked at me with tired eyes while the teenager looked shocked at my presence with his energetic eyes.

"You... you're... that's..." the kid mumbled, pointing at me and looking between me and Tony.

Tony moved on and waved me off. "Yeah yeah, kid meet Rey, Rey meet kid." I got off the couch and walked toward the pair, and then Tony walked toward this kitchen mumbling something about needing a few cups of coffee.

"My- my name is, uh, Peter Parker," the kid said. He reached his hand out and I carefully accepted and shook it.

I smiled lightly. "Nice to meet you, Peter. What are you doing here?" I asked him, taking my hand back and crossing my arms over my chest.

His face went red and he looked around wildly between me and Tony, trying to decide on his story. "Well, uh, well you know, I'm, uh, part of this S-Stark internship thing with Mr. Stark and he's, uh, just... showing me around and stuff," he managed to spit out. Something about his voice was really familiar, and it took me a second to figure it out.

When it clicked, I made sure not to say anything out loud or react too suddenly. He very obviously lied and I wanted to see how he'd react if I caught him.

"So, how are you after Germany?" I asked suddenly.

In a stuttering mess, Peter came up with something like 'I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never left New York.' Of course I knew this was wrong, and glanced at Tony who was chugging a coffee and watching with interest.

So, as nonchalantly as I could, being one of the best ex-Hydra assassins with some of the best sneaking skills, I walked back over to the couch and grabbed the TV remote. Not even a second later, I lobbed it in the direction of his head.

Normal people would have maybe seen it last second and gotten smacked in the face anyway, but he caught it right in front of his face and stared at me with scared wide eyes.

I smirked and recrossed my arms. "So, I'm going to ask again, how are you after Germany?"

Peter looked at Tony. "She's good," he said with a sigh and nodded his head.

Tony just shrugged. "Yeah, she is," he said to Peter. Then, he looked over at me. "Now next time you figure something out, don't throw things to prove a point." He had a small scowl on his face and then turned to grab another cup of coffee.

I laughed. "Oh come on, I knew he'd catch it," I said, then shook my head. Peter was looking at me in awe, which made me feel weird, so I just gave him a small smile and wave. Now I felt more than awkward around him. Sure he had great reflexes and such, but I still worried about hurting the kid.

"I'm going to go hang out in my old room for a bit," I said and walked away without listening for a response from either of them.

When I got to the old room, I glanced around and just worked on making sure everything was packed up. I checked every drawer (again), checked under furniture (again), and checked the closet (again).

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