Chapter Forty-Nine

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The fight had been raging for what felt like hours but had really only been minutes. I was up in the air, doing whatever I could to help that didn't take too much energy. Because Natasha was so right when she said they would need it later. If I had to face Thanos again, it wouldn't be when I was exhausted and near dead. I would show him who I am.

Rhodes and Sam were dropping bombs towards the entrance to take out more and more at once. I help there as well. Until Big Guy knocked Rhodes out of the sky. "Rhodes!" I yelled and narrowly missed getting knocked down myself.

I glared down at the two aliens, the Children of Thanos. Then, I looked around. Everyone was getting overwhelmed. "No," I whispered. This could be my moment to help but it would take nearly everything I had in me.

Since I couldn't do what I wanted, I did what I could. I threw balls of energy at the dogs and tried to lift them through the air. The way they fought me was hard to contain. These things were insane and thrashed about violently.

As I was focused on some of the alien dogs, something grabbed onto my foot. I let out a gasp when I was suddenly pulled down to the Earth and hit the ground hard. I wasn't even given a chance to try and recover before I had a pile of alien dogs on top of me, all trying to rip me to shreds.

Letting out a small scream, I created a small bubble around me to try and hold them off. They kept clawing at the surface and trying to break through. I squeezed my eyes shut and grit my teeth together.

I might not make it to Thanos after all.

Then suddenly, they were gone. I opened my eyes and looked to see nothing on top of me. I released the shield I had created and stood up, only to find a beam of light in the center of the field.

Out from that light came Thor. He was holding a brand new weapon, an axe with lighting sparking all over. To his sides, he had a raccoon and a tree. Both were strangely sentient in a human way and I didn't think I wanted to know the details. It didn't matter, because Thor was here.

He charged toward the army of alien dogs, shouting a war cry: "Bring me Thanos!" With a running start and a giant leap, he brought his axe down and took out hundreds of the alien dogs at once.

I could only watch and catch my breath. This is who we needed right now and I was so glad to see him in a better state than what I had left him in.

There was a moment of no fighting so I jogged up to him. "Thor!" I called out. He turned around and stop sparking just in time for me to crash into him, pulling him into a hug. "Oh god I am so glad to see you."

When I let go, he smiled down at me. "As am I, Rey. But we can't claim victory yet. There is still a fight to come." We looked back over at the Children of Thanos and the new wave of alien dogs coming.

"Right, we'll talk later," I said and felt my hands heat up with the energy appearing in them.

More came, and more died. I fought hard at his point still conserving my energy but, at a point, I couldn't anymore without becoming a watcher to this battle. I ended up on the ground fighting off the alien dogs with the others.

It was a grueling fight and I had been getting my fair share of cuts and bruises. Letting out a battle cry, a group of the dogs were flown back and killed by Thor and his new axe. I was able to take a breath and that I did.

A rumbling from under my feet caused me to pause, and I listened carefully. It was in the Earth and it was getting closer. I flew up into the air to see where it was coming from.

Trees outside the dome were being run over by something. I watched as a huge thing under the ground came underneath the dome and then burst above the ground. My eyes widened and I knew this was something I had to do.

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