Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Sakaar was eventful, but also boring. There were a lot of parties but every single one involved the Grandmaster, so I didn't want to be a part of them. Exploring Sakaar was interesting, and I tried to my first full day of freedom, but was too unfamiliar with this planet so I stayed in the... palace? That's the best way to describe the place I was in.

I refused to attend any contests, not wanting to sit by and watch people literally fight for their lives. It was a sick sport and all of those who found enjoyment in it were rotten and psychotic. Strong opinion, but fair considering these... aliens... watch others die for fun. I couldn't stand it.

And for a week, I'd avoided it all. The room I was in became my spot and that was where I was frequently found. Every now and then the Grandmaster tried to talk to me, but I'd ignore him and he'd eventually get bored and leave. Loki never came by again, instead spending his time working the Grandmaster's favor... whatever that meant. There wasn't anyone else who came by.

I stretched my arms high above my head and finally got out of the bed. It wasn't early in the morning, but it also wasn't afternoon yet, so I still had day left to do nothing before going back to bed.

The guards had given me some clothes one day, bringing in a chair as well and they set all the clothes on it. Other than those, I had my sleeping outfit, my Sakaarian battle armor, and that one dress. I didn't wear much other than that armor and sleep wear so the clothes on the chair remained mostly untouched. The dress was moved to that pile, too.

After getting the dark leather on, I decided today I would walk around and stop moping in my room. There had to be some modes of transport on this godforsaken planet and I was going to find them.

My first stop, however, was grabbing some food. The place I was brought to on my first day had some small things, so I decided that's where I'd stop first.

There were already many creatures around, drinking and laughing loudly under the colorful, flashing lights. I slipped by everyone and went straight to the bar. "Got anything to eat?" I asked the thing behind the counter.

It did a nodding motion then slid away. I turned away to observe my surroundings as I waited when something caught my eye. My eyes widened at the sight of Thor strapped to s chair, watching the Grandmaster be a DJ. It was a strange scene, yet brought me relief to know he was alive and found us.

He was already looking in this general direction. I followed his eye line to see him staring at Loki. The latter suddenly stood up and walked hurriedly to Thor and I decided to follow in suit.

"I didn't get a chair," Loki whispered to Thor when I came up. "Oh, look who else is here."

"Thor?" I questioned, mimicking Loki and used a whisper.

Thor looked over at me in more surprise. "Lady Reyna-Rose, I'm so happy to see you alive," he said in relief. He was also whispering. "Wait, did you not get a chair either?"

I shook my head. "Well, I did, but that was a week ago. Also, why are we whispering?"

They ignored my question and kept on. "Well, get me out of this one," Thor requested, nodding down to the chair he was stuck in. "Get me out."

"I can't," Loki answered.


Loki explained. "I've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster."

Thor shook his head rapidly. "He's crazy!"

I nodded. "I agree there."

Ignoring us both, Loki kept going. "I've gained his favor. The Bifrost brought me out here weeks ago," he said.

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