Chapter Forty-Two

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In the plan, I was sent off with Bruce and Val to set up the distraction as Thor and Loki worked on getting us the ship. It was going well, we got Korg and his friends armed and they started the revolution Sakaar was in need of.

Now, we waited in the sky in Val's ship for Thor to make his escape. It was a bit of a weird silence, but we all just sort of... sat around and waited for anything.

I had started to pick out some of the crud from the plates in my hand when Val suddenly lurched forward and I nearly went tumbling to the ground. "A warning would have been nice," I commented as I got back into a comfortable position.

"Sorry, Soldier, but he's got some crap on his tail that we need to get rid of," she said back, barely glancing over her shoulder. I went with the nickname, not really caring since I had given her one.

We flew around and shot stuff down, Bruce beside her congratulating her on hitting things. "Nice shot!" he yelled over the noise.

"Thanks," she said back and continued on. She did a few taps on her headrest then said, "Open the doors." I figured she had talked to Thor.

We flew under Thor's ship- The Commodore I heard her call it- and the top of her ship opened.

"I hope you're tougher than you look!" Val yelled over at Bruce.

He looked confused, but smiled. "Why?" Her answer? Pressing a button that ejected him up and out.

Then she looked back at me. "You'll be fine," she said. When she pressed my button, I was ready and had a pretty solid landing up in The Commodore.

Bruce gaped at me for a second. "You look like a badass!" he yelled. I just smiled.

The ship was suddenly hit and we rocked around a little. "Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?!" Bruce yelled in panic as he carefully made his way up to Thor.

"I agree, it might make our escape a bit easier!"

Thor mumbled something, then started to look around and press buttons. "Where are the guns on this ship?" he asked and continued pressing things.

"There aren't any! It's a leisure vessel. He uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff!" Val responded over the radio. Well, it's a hologram thing so I don't really know what to call it.

"Did she just say orgies?" I asked, instantly disgusted. I pulled arms into my sides and looked around at everything with a grimace.

Bruce stumbled up to Thor and asked the same thing. Thor looked equally disgusted and said, "Yeah... don't touch anything..."

I moved my way up to the front of the ship as well and took a cautious seat in the other chair as Bruce stayed behind Thor. We maneuvered around, doing our best without any kind of defense systems and watched as Val was doing her thing.

"She's pretty badass," I said as we watched. Thor and Bruce nodded.

Suddenly, her ship was hit. We all reacted with gasps, and then yells when the whole thing erupted into flames. I hadn't known her long, but I still felt a pang when I saw the ship go down like a fireball into the building below.

It was short lived grief, however, because a figure came flying from the ship and landed on the outside of ours. We smiled at Val being alive. But now we have no guns.

"Get inside!" Thor yelled at Val as we got shot at.

To our surprise, she looked back and yelled, "In a minute!" We watched as she stood up and ran backwards.

It took me a moment, but when I heard some crashes I put it together. "Is she... is she taking the ships out on her own? Like, no ship, just her and a sword?" I asked. "Again: badass."

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