Chapter Thirty-One

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The next morning I was a bit sore, but other than that I was okay considering the events of last night. I didn't know if I could say the same for Peter, and hoped he wasn't too bad after the fight. Hopefully the gratification of getting Vulture behind bars on his own would be a dominating feeling.

I got up and changed into some leggings and a tank top to workout. This was the first day in a long time that I felt like myself, which was weird timing but I wasn't complaining. The file on my parents and what had happened to my family... it took so much of me away and I was glad to see it returning little by little.

"Good morning Rey, good to see you up and moving," FRIDAY said. I smiled to myself.

"It's good to be up, FRIDAY." I put my hair up in a small ponytail and walked out of my room and down to the indoor gym. Someone told me at one point, the gym was filled with SHIELD and Avenger recruits nearly 24/7. As I walked into it, I see those days were long ago.

I started doing some basic stuff, focusing on abs today. My workout started smoothly and I was thrilled to be back into my old routine. It was all going well.

"Good to see you're back in here," someone said. I paused my crunches and turned to see who walked in. "I hate to interrupt."

I smiled. "No, it's fine, what's going on?" I asked, standing up and grabbing my water bottle slightly happy for this impromptu break. Tony was there in a suit, something I wasn't quite expecting which is why I asked my question.

"Well, someone tells me you might need a new phone." He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled a newer looking phone out. "I made sure it was a little more plane-crash proof."

My face turned a light shade of pink and I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand while reaching out to grab the phone with the other. "Thanks. What should I do with the other one?" I asked and tucked the new phone into a pocket in my leggings.

With a shrug, he said, "You can just bring it to me whenever and I'll see what I can do with the salvageable parts." I nodded. "Now, the real reason I'm here..."

I titled my head to the side and crossed my arms. "Is everything okay?"

He quickly nodded. "Yeah, yep. I've just got the kid coming over to the compound cause I think I want to make him an Avenger. Got the press ready to go in a pressroom and a suit for him and everything. Maybe even a room."

"Wow," I said. "That's a lot. You think he'll go for it?"

Tony hesitated and I watched his hands fidget around. "That's part of the reason I wanted to talk to you. The kid seems to like you, even asking for your help- yes I know about that. I just want to make sure everything is perfect."

I nodded and thought for a second. "Well, definitely ask him behind the scenes first. It gives him more of a chance to really answer how he wants. He may say he wants to be an Avenger, but that's a lot of responsibility for a kid."

He nodded, taking everything in and I could tell it was genuine. This was important and he wanted Peter to have his chance to answer honestly. "You know, you and Wanda were basically kids. Fresh adults and all that," he commented quietly.

At first I was trying to understand what he meant by that. But he kept going. "I never wanted that. This job is stressful for me and I'm nearing 50. For you and her... you guys already had a lot and then you were taken into this."

I had made a mistake. "Tony, no, don't do that. You don't have to blame yourself. I'm not sure about... her, but I wanted to be a good guy. I hated the life I had been forced to live with Hydra and so I wanted to do everything I could to get far from it morally. Everything that happened after that, yeah it sucked, but I had the choice to get out of it and I didn't."

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