Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The Upstate Facility had finally started to feel homier to me when I got out of my room. Tony found me a couple weeks ago sobbing in the basement file room and for a week after that I refused to leave my room.

This past week, I managed to pull myself out of bed for sustenance. From there, I'm slowing hanging around the facility more. Tony had to leave for India yesterday; he extended the invitation to me, but I declined. So it was just Rhodes and I hanging around the facility. Every now and then the Vision popped in, but he wasn't around often.

Happy Hogan stopped by occasionally to bring some stuff from the move and not very subtly check in on me. It was obvious Tony put him up to it.

I was wrapped up in a hoodie and sitting on a couch when Happy came in. "Hey Happy, how's the move going?" I asked in my happiest voice.

He gave me a small look of pity before nodding. "Good, good. The kid's been bugging me a lot which makes things very difficult," he complained.

My eyebrows scrunched together and I tilted my head. "The kid?"

"Oh, the Spider one. Peter Parker," he clarified. I let out an 'ah' noise and nodded. "I know he means well and Tony really likes him, but god the kid just doesn't know much about boundaries and busy schedules."

I gave a small smile. "He might just be really excited about this whole superhero thing. Give him a break and let him be excited."

Happy nodded and then bid me a goodbye. I was alone for the rest of the day and for the following two. Tony was back by the end of the last one and made sure I was doing okay. He was almost immediately occupied with the kid. Apparently there was a thing with a weapons deal and there was a bit of... tension, we'll say between Tony and Peter.

Until I got a random call one night on a cell phone Tony had just given me.

"Hello?" I answered, wondering if it was just Tony or Happy checking in. At this point, I had moved from the couch to my room and was lounging on my bed with my back against the headboard.

"Is this Rey? From the Avengers?" It was a kid's voice that talked back to me, but a different one from Peter Parker.

"Why do you want to know? Who is this?" I asked, curious as to how this person got this number and knew it was me. My first instinct was to worry and I thought maybe Tony got in trouble again. But this person didn't sound like a terrorist or kidnapper of any kind. He sounded scared, too.

"My name is Ned and I'm helping Spiderman," he answers quickly.

My worry went up ten notches. "Wait, is Peter in trouble?" I asked and stood up to pace around and get ready to make my move.

"Well, he needs help that's for sure." There was some noise from the other end that I couldn't focus on before the kid- Ned came back on. "There's this vulture guy who is trying to take over Mr. Stark's plane with all his stuff in it and Peter is trying to stop him and he needs your help."

I shook my head and put my empty hand on my forehead to rub away the headache that started forming. "Ned, I need to be honest here, I don't know how I can help. There's no way I can get there in time to help with the fighting."

"Just try, please. He's on the way to a location the Vulture is at right now to try and stop him before it's too late. The coordinates just got sent to you." As if waiting for the perfect moment, my phone vibrated with a new message from an unknown number who wanted to send a location to me. I opened it up and hurried out of my room and to the garage.

"Listen to me, Ned. I'll be there soon because I'm about to break all sorts of speed limits like there's no tomorrow. Tell Peter to stand down until I get there, okay? If anything changes you need to call me at this number and let me know." I waited for no reply and hung up.

The first vehicle I saw was a gorgeous motorcycle. It was one of Nat's- and fast if I remember correctly. I jumped on and turned it on. Once the system was turned on, FRIDAY connected to my phone and started taking me to the location Ned had sent me.

FRIDAY did just as I told Ned; speed limits didn't exist and most of the way was pretty clear based on the location and time of night. My only real problems came when I got closer to the city and the location. I was able to weave around cars, though, which was good.

When we got to the spot, I saw the building was crumbled. "Shit..." I mumbled. The bike had barely come to a stop when I jumped off and hurried inside. I wasn't worried about the motorcycle, I was worried about Peter.

"Peter!" I called out as I approached the building. "Peter!" I got no response. So, I tried using my enhanced hearing to see if I could find Peter that way.

First, I had to calm down a bit. It was harder for me to use my enhanced abilities if I was in a panicky state. Not the same as an adrenaline rush, which is when my abilities are at their peak. When I panic my abilities go nuts. Calming down was vital.

Then I deprived my other senses a bit. I shut my eyes and simply focused hard on what I was hearing. Getting past other sounds to find what I needed required a large amount of focus and so I gave it.

Some how, it worked. At first I only heard some shifting of concrete, but then I started hearing grunting. When it turned to yelling and borderline screaming in pain, I started panicking again. My eyes shot open and my breathing got heavy. "Peter!"

The noise got louder, so I ran towards it. Something crashed and dust flew up in the air, and the I heard coughing. "Peter!" I called again. I barely knew this kid. We've never interacted beyond the normal 'hi's and 'hello's. But Tony thought of him as a son. And even though I don't know the kid all that well doesn't mean I'm not scared for him.

I finally saw him crawl out of rubble covered in dirt and blood. "Peter!" I called, but this time in relief. He looked over at me and sighed in relief, too.

He tried his hardest to meet me in the middle, but he was limping and I was not, so I got to him pretty quick. "Where are you hurt? You know Tony is going to be absolutely pissed at you, right?" I asked.

Rather than answering my questions, he shook his head and said in a breathless voice, "No time. We gotta go get him." I wanted to ask who 'him' was but followed Peter's gaze behind me and saw a strange man on the top of a billboard take off into the night.

"Vulture, right," I said, the name clicking after seeing the costume. He nodded. "Sounds like a fun way to spend the night, let's go."

There was a bright look on Peter's face when he realized I'd go with him. "Awesome! Okay, we just have to follow him... I think he's going after Mr. Stark's plane with all the moving day stuff in it and we have to stop him because Mr. Stark isn't listening to me after the ferry boat incident and Happy never listened to me in the first place, so..."

I sighed and gave his shoulder a pat. "We can talk about that more later, partially because I don't know what a ferry boat is." Peter looked excited at the thought of us having another conversation, but then we turned serious and went after Vulture.

"The guy's real name is Adrian Toomes, and he's my homecoming date's dad," Peter said. My eyes widened. "Yeah, it was one awkward car ride."

I shook my head. "That's... unfortunate," I said. Peter scoffed and nodded in agreement. "So, what's the plan Spiderman?"

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