Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Anything yet?" I asked FRIDAY from my desk.

"I'm afraid nothing has come up." Tony and I decided that FRIDAY would take on the hospitals further away and work towards New York while I started in New York and worked out. Even with this great strategy we found nothing.

I was in another hospital database and searching up my name. For every single website so far I had typed in the exact same thing. 'Reyna-Rose Silva.' Nothing had popped up on any site and I was getting worried.

As I typed, I put in my first name and accidentally clicked 'Enter' too quickly. "Whoops," I mumbled and went to edit the search, but stopped when I saw the result.

There was only one birth certificate listed' with a birthdate matching the one in my Hydra file- May 8, 1950.

Was it possible this was me?

I got up from my desk with my laptop and hurried out of my room. "Where's Tony?" I asked FRIDAY as I hurried out.

"His lab," she answered. No surprise there. Picking up the pace, I hurried down the halls and made it to the lab.

I pushed open the doors with my metal arm to really open them up for me, scaring Tony and Rhodes in the process. The two of them looked at me, confused as hell, as I walked up to them with the laptop in hand.

"Would it make sense if Hydra would change my name? Maybe not the full name, but the last name?" I asked.

The two men looked at each other and then back to me. "I don't know why they'd only change your last name, but maybe. Why, what'd you find?" Tony asked. He and Rhodes followed me as I walked over to one of the lab tables and set my laptop down. They came over and looked at the certificate I had pulled up.

"'Reyna-Rose Thompson'? You think that's you?" Rhodes asked. I nodded eagerly. "Are you sure it's not another Reyna-Rose?"

I nodded my head. "The birthdate in my Hydra file and the birthdate on the certificate match up," I said.

Tony let out a breath and shook his head lightly. "Maybe, kid, but there is a death certificate listed as well. Maybe it's just a coincidence," he said as he tried to lightly tell me this wasn't it.

"Or maybe that's there as a Hydra cover up tactic," I argued. "That date listed could be the day I was taken by them and that's just what they used as a death date. It's easier to keep someone hostage if everyone else thinks their dead. It's what happened with Barnes."

Anger flashed over Tony's face when I mentioned Barnes' name, but I decided not to pry at the moment. When neither of the men spoke, I sighed. "Please? This is all I've got right now. If it doesn't end up being me then I'll stop and take a break from all of this. I just really want to know who I was."

Tony looked up at me and smiled. "Go for it. Don't get your hopes up anymore, though. I don't want you to go down this path and then realize it was for nothing," he warned.

I smiled lightly and nodded. "I'll try," I answered, that being the most honest answer I could give.


Searching around the internet this time with the name 'Reyna-Rose Thompson' was much more successful, and confirmed my thoughts even more.

Several articles dating back to the 50s and some true-crime stuff from today popped up when I typed the name in the Google search bar. I started reading through them and quickly found myself writing a bunch of information down. It was exciting.

Well, the fact that I have information is exciting. The information itself... not so much.

Hurrying back to the lab, this time holding my journal, I was elated to see Tony still in there. Rhodes wasn't, so he must've left a bit ago.

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