Chapter Thirty-Six

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Tony sat in his lab, working on a new suit for Peter Parker. It was going to be nanotechnology, just like his own new suit. He was currently working on the web shooters and how they would house the web while also being nanotech. It was a weird area of unknown but he was having fun figuring it out.

"Mr. Stark," FRIDAY suddenly spoke through the ceiling. Weird, she rarely spoke without being prompted.

Tony set his stuff down. "What's up?"

"I've lost Miss Silva."

Well that was a phrase that would certainly put anyone into a panic, and it did just that to Tony. The stool scraped on the ground as he stood up, getting his stuff together so he could leave the compound. "What the hell do you mean you lost her? How did you manage that?"

"She was at the Bleecker Street address she requested I direct her to, then Norway, then she disappeared from my scanners. I can't locate her at all, not even through other technology," she answered, now in his ear. "She was in the middle of speaking when she disappeared. Miss Silva also mentioned something about Thor."

Tony physically reacted to that name, now extremely confused at the God who said he was on the hunt for the Infinity Stones. "Thor? The hell is he doing back on Earth?" he asked rhetorically, knowing FRIDAY wouldn't exactly have an answer otherwise he'd know by now.

"Where was she heading before she wound up in Norway?" Tony asked, now seated in one of his favorite sports cars. FRIDAY, rather than answering, turned the car on and Tony saw an address already plugged in on the screen. "Let's go."


Stephen Strange was waiting impatiently for Rey to show up when there was a pounding on the Sanctum doors. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he wasn't even paying attention to the door. With a wave of his hand, the person was transported inside.

He was expecting Rey, so when an angry billionaire came up into his face, he was surprised to say the least.

"Where the hell is Rey? What did you do to her?" Tony interrogated, not allowing Strange to think for even a second after letting him in.

Stephen shook his head and took a step back. "I'm sorry? I-I'm a little lost here," he answered.

"What a shitty answer, try again," Tony responded. So many people wanted Rey in prison. So many. If any of them got to her before Tony could help... well, he didn't think he'd ever be able to forgive himself. "What did you do to her?"

Stephen looked confused. "I've been waiting for her here. I haven't seen her in about two weeks since we first talked about everything- which, I'm assuming at this point that she's filled you in?"

Tony nodded. "But she did show up," he started. "The motorcycle she's claimed as her own is outside. FRIDAY is telling me she was here then she got magically transported to Norway for some damn reason." His temper was short and patience nonexistent.

Now Stephen was even more confused. "Norway? What..." The words faded as realization finally struck. His face fell and horror came upon it.

This didn't make Tony feel any better about the entire situation. "Why- why are you making that face? That's not a good face," he said, panicky.

Stephen sighed. "I think I know what happened. Not long after I sent Rey the message for her to meet me here, I noticed Thor and his brother, Loki, were on Earth. Loki is on my list of threats to Earth so I quickly took care of him and then brought Thor here to see what they were doing in New York- well, Earth in general."

Tony shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Wonderful story and all, but what does this have to do with Rey?" he asked, cutting Strange off.

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