Chapter Forty

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Loki had assured me Thor was alive, but that was the most confirmation I had gotten. Ever since him and Hulk fought, and I left, I've been in my room. Sakaar is an awful place, a place where I wouldn't wish any enemy of mine to end up in.

I had known from the second I met him that the Grandmaster was a strange man, but this? He forced people and aliens to fight for entertainment, and then decides the winner anyway. It was awful, it reminded me too much of Hydra before the Avengers came about and attempted to destroy them all. The only difference was the aesthetic.

The view out of my window was nothing spectacular, yet anyone who came into the room would've thought otherwise. I had moved all the clothes to the ground and taken the chair so I could sit and look out the window. It was all I wanted to do because I sure as hell wasn't leaving this room. I wasn't going to pretend this is a high society party when it's really just a celebration of creatures dying.

I sighed and got up from the chair. The only other thing I wanted to do was relax in the little bath I had in my room. That and looking out a stupid window. Living on another planet was a blast.

The bath was always full of water, but also had a constant refill and drainage system set up. I didn't bother to figure it out, and just appreciated the fresh, warm water that I had. I hated Sakaar, but I would be bringing up the idea of a hot tub to Tony.

That thought made me pause. It was silly, me thinking I would be able to get off of this goddamn planet and getting back home. It's even sillier that I dare call the Upstate Facility home. Every second I spent on Sakaar was another second of me losing grasp on the life I should be living, where I have no more orange magic, no more trigger words, and no more governments hunting me down. I should be in New York, living at the Compound until I can get enough money together and a job so I could have my own apartment. I wanted to be normal.

Normalcy doesn't start on a trash planet.

As I started to relax in the water, an alarm started blaring through my room. My hands covered my eyes and I cringed at the loud noise. "Oh, fuck off!" I yelled out.

The alarm was replaced by a voice. "Sakaar, here ye." It was the damn Grandmaster. "Attention please. I have some bad news. My beloved exalted champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion!" He kept going, but I just groaned and stood up violently enough to splash the water. "It seems that that criminal seductive Lord of Thunder has stolen him away!"

Whatever else he had to say fell on deaf ears as my anger grew. "I swear to god Loki or Thor has something to do with this. They better not do anything stupid especially with Bruce," I grumbled, drying myself off quickly and getting something to wear.

There was no damn way I would be able to put leather on right now with my damp skin, so I dug through the pile of clothes on the floor and found something I could work with. It was a one-sleeved dress colored black with hints of silver.

"My god, this entire wardrobe is the same color scheme. I hate this place," I commented. The dress, however, would have to work. It wasn't extremely fancy and I figured I could work with it.

I grabbed my armor, bundled up with one of the straps fashioned into a sort of backpack strap so it was easier to carry, and hurried out of the room.

As I was hurrying through different halls and corridors, I heard cheering and loud noise outside. At one point, there was a window I was able to look through so I did. People filled the streets, celebrating the Hulk, showing him all their love.

Part of me thought it was amazing. Earth was never Hulk's biggest fan. Okay, that's quite the understatement. But here on Sakaar, they loved him for who he was.

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