Chapter 13 - You Are A Fairy

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Yes you will kill Harry Styles in two exact weeks. Period." She said coldly, as she wasn't saying anything important.

I shock my head. No I couldn't kill Harry. I couldn't do something like that. I was okay,  partially, with being the Kight of Darkness,  but also killing people? No it was not my nature.  I only killed people during battles and when it was really needed.

"Don't shake your head, you'll do as I say, my loyal knight." She stated coldly.

I sighed in defeat, lowered my glance and nodded. I nodded because it was the only thing I could do.

But then a thought came across my mind.

"Harry isn't human." I shouted and immediately put a hand on my mouth. I didn't mean to say it out loud. The queen couldn't  know that.

"He indeed is human." She said." I'm not stupid and I checked if my dear sister was pulling me a joke, but for the first time in her life she is not. The mother of this boy is human."

I thought about it and I came to a conclusion that Harry's mother couldn't possibly be human, 'cause Harry was not. I was one hundred percent sure of that.

But I decided against telling the queen that.

"You are right., your majesty." I bowed down.

I widened my eyes as soon as another thought filled my mind.

Harry was a fairy.

Yes, it  had to be it.

Otherwise, the Fairy Queen wouldn't have sacrificed him if she didn't knew for sure that he would have survived. I should have known better to believe that I had to kill Harry for real. I had to trust my Fairy Queen. And I knew her too well, so Harry had to be a fairy that somehow had grown up in a human family.

I had to tell Harry.


I hoped he still was at my house.

"Sorry, my Queen, can I be dismissed?" I asked because I had to go home to Harry in that moment.

"Of course you can, my knight." As soon as these words left her mouth I started to run. I ran as quickly as possible through the trees and the fairies and when the forest came to an end, I decelerated until I reached a human pace and I continued to run through the streets and the people.

When I got in front of my home's door I quickly took my keys out of my pockets and opened the door running in.

I went immediately in the living room hoping to find him on the couch where I left him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

So I checked in the kitchen, too. But idem, he wasn't there.

I couldn't believe he had escaped again, heck, he promised he wouldn't.

So I ran upstairs hoping to find him there.

I opened quitely my bedroom's door and I saw him lying on my bed with a random  book in front of his face.

I sighed in relief and smiled at the cute sight and at the fact that he hadn't noticed the fact that I was in here. He was probably too absorbed in his reading.

So, I coughed, trying to catch is attention.

He looked up from my book and his big green eyes soon widened. He realised the position he was in and innediately got up from my bed.

"Uh, I am sorry ... I was bored and I, uh ..." He started to stutter but I soon interrupted him running into his arms and hugging him tight.

"Oh my God Harry, you are here." I said.

"Yeah." I heard him breath out on my neck with a surprised tone.

I pulled away and I left my hands  clinging on his shoulders.

I looked into his confused eyes for a few seconds before stating: " You are a fairy."

His went wide once again and he backed away from me shaking his head.

" I -I, what?" He squeled in terror while sitting on my bed.

I sighed and went to sit near him putting a conforting hand on his shoulder.

"Look at me Harry, please." I demanded but he still wouldn't look at me. So, I put a finger under his chin and I turned his head, making sure he was looking at me.

As soon as his eyes met mine, I noticed that they were filled with tears.

"Oh God Harry." I said as I wiped slowly away some tears from his cheek.

"It's okay." I said as I left my hand staying on his cheek.

"No, it is not." He whispered while leaning into my touch.

"Everything is going to be okay." I whispered sweetly.

In that moment I couldn't resist at the look on Harry's face so I leaned in noticing that he closed his eyes, slightly parting his lips.

I put my open lips on his and I slowly let them shut.

That time he didn't pull away,

Soo, here you have chapter 13.

I hope you liked it. And yeaaah Zayn finally realised Harry is a fairy and finally kissed him for real.

Don't worry, the kiss will continue in the next chapter and next chapter will be all Zarry! 

Who is looking forward to it?

This is also the last chapter in Zayn's point of view for a while.

This chapter is dedicated to @SPREADANTIBULLYING , DM her and help her with her story please!

Anyway comment and vote! I wanna know your thoughts.

-Ale :)

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