Chapter 6 - The Fairy Queen

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"C'mon Harry, get up!" the unfamiliar voice said again louder.

I realised that I wasn't dreaming and I started to open my eyes rubbing them. I yawned and I tried to focus on the blurry figure in front of me when I realised that there where two people in front of me. I couldn't understand who they where so I let out a pretty terrified scream.

"Shh. Don't shout! You don't want to wake everyone up, right?" The guy who woke me up said again. This time I looked at him into his brown eyes and they seemed really familiar.

"Of course, I won't stop streaming. You are going to kill me!" I shouted again and they both started laughing. I looked at them with wide eyes due too their behavior. One second it seemed that they were going to kill me and the other one they were laughing?

"Are you stupid, Harry? We are not going to kill you. Did you seriously not recognise us?" He asked while the other boy was still laughing.

"Well ... I ... ehm ..." I was about to answer when the mistrious guy interrupted me snapping at his friend : "Niall, will you stop laughing for fuck's sake?"

The boy named Niall stopped laughing pulling on a mortified face.

My eyes went wide again, but this time in realisation.

Could it be that he was that Niall?

"Niall? That Niall?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, do you know any other Niall?" The blonde boy asked in a 'duh' tone.

I shock my head slowly.

"Yes and I'm that Liam. Thanks for asking." The guy who appeared to be Liam told me.

"Oh my God! Really? I can't believe it. It's been weeks that I have tried to call you. Why didn't you come?" I asked in a cheerful tone.

"I wanted to come, but Liam said that we couldn't" Niall answered sadly.

So I looked at Liam with questioning eyes.

"No no, no time for questions. We have to go right now." He stated shaking his head.

"But, but where?" I questioned confused.

"I said no time for questions. Get up and grab your jacket, we are going to the Enchanted Forest, the Fairy Queen wants to see you." He said harshly grabbing me by the hand leading me towards the forest by my window, leaving just enough time to grab my jacket.

I wanted to ask so many questions, but I understood that that wasn't quite the right time to.

During our jurney to the forest Liam was being constantly cold and kind of harsh. I couldn't understand understand why, though. I didn't do anything to him, heck, we had just met again.

On the other hand Niall was being super cheerful as his usual. He kept singing, jumping around and trying to talk with me. Anyway, we didn't succeed talking that much because Liam always told us to shut up.

We finally arrived at the centre of the forest in front of the Royal Throne which was adorned by lots of beautiful flowers and plants.

We waited for the almighty queen for a few minutes when she arrived followed by her two handmaidens.

She was beautiful, I thought that I had never seen a creature beautiful like her. She shone of a special light.

She had long golden hair. Her eyes where green and I swear that I could see them shine from where I was standing. Her dress was long and soft and it seemed that it was made of pure gold. Her head was covered by a transparent veil. Her pale skin was soft and velvety. She had flowers through her hair and a parrot on her shoulder

She had beautiful big wings. I had never seen a fairy with wings. I guess she had them because she was the queen.

"Are you Harry Styles? " She asked me with gentle voice looking directly at me.

" Yes, majesty, why did you want me here? "

"We have to talk about something really important. We need you, Harry"

Okay this was starting to scare me.

Helloo this is the sixth chapter. I know that it is incredibly short but I typed it on my phone while seating on a train. Also sorry for the long wait I'm going to update again this weekend.
See you then if I'm not dead.
Love you


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