Chapter 8 - It Felt Like A Dream

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" Harry, Harry!" I felt someone shake my shoulders.

I groaned still not moving.

"C'mon, c'mon wake up!" They continued shaking strongly.

I started to move and regain consciousness. My eyes opened slowly because I couldn't bear with the brightness of the light and as soon as I did that I noticed a figure standing above me.

I focused on what or who was in front of me and I finally realised that it was Louis.

"Oh my God! You are awake. Thanks God, for a second I thought you were dead!" He hugged me really hard.

"Ugh, yeah. I love your hugs Lou, but now can you let me breathe?" I chocked out 'cause he was crushing me.

"Yeah sorry! By the way what the fuck were you doing passed out by the readside?" He pulled away.

"Ugh I don't know! Let me recall it a bit." I said, 'cause I really didn't remember anything, but then everything came back to me and hit me like truck.

I couldn't believe I was a fairy, I didn't even have powers, how could I know if she lying to me or not? But why would the Fairy Queen lie to me? That didn't make any sense.

And I was her son? And my mum wasn't my mum? Everything I lived until that moment was a lie? It was that, that hurted the most, knowing the everything I knew, every certainty I had wasn't true.

And I didn't know if I could forgive her, she abandoned me. I knew she told me she did that to protect me, but still, it was difficult.

I hated the fact that she only came back to me because she needed me, because if his kingdom was paceful she wouldn't have came back to me. And maybe it would have been better like that.

But since I was in it, I felt the urge to protect my kingdom, even though it still felt strange to call it 'my kingdom'.

"Oi Harry! You zoned out!" I woke up from my trance when Louis popped frantically his fingers right in front of my face without stopping.

"Yeah, but stop now!" I took his hands into mine to stop him.

"So what were you thinking about?" He asked me.

"Uhm, nothing?" I said making it come out almost as a question. Anyway, I couldn't tell him, at least not at that point. I still didn't know what would happen and I didn't want to put him in danger.

"Harryyy! You did it again, what is happening to you?" He whined popping again his finger in front of my face.

"Louis, stop with the fingers, Damn it!"

"You stop zoning out!" He rebuted.


"Now, will you tell me what happend? " He tried to ask again.

"Lou, I don't feel comfortable to talk about it, yet. I will tell you I promise, but can you please just take me home for now? "

He lowered his glance almost offended, but then smiled as if anything ever happend.

"Yeah, let's take you home!" He said helping me get up.

We walked by the roadside in a confortable silence, because maybe we didn't need to talk at that point.

We finally arrived in front of my house and Louis hugged me. I was getting used to it by now.

"Get well soon, Haz, see ya." He whispered.

"Thank you. See you." I said pulling away.

He smiled again and he started to walk away.

I turned around and while I was about to open my front door I felt a cold hand touching my shoulder.

It had to be Louis.

"What do you want Louis?" I asked.

"Uh-oh, I'm not Louis." The cold, yet hot familiar voice said while the hand turned me around.

My eyes widened at the sight, it was Zayn.

"Wh-what do you want?" I faltered my words due to the surprise to see him there.

"I just wanted to see you. Can't I?" He smirked almost evilly.

"Of course you can." I gulped as he started to lean in and I started to move back until I found myself pressed to my front door.

He pressed his chest onto mine and looked me deep into my eyes

Also this time he had brown chocolate hot eyes and more humans ones, not the the icy ones he had the first time we had met.

He raised his right hand until he touched my cheek. He began to touch my whole profile, analysing all my treats.

My breath stopped for a moment at his actions and I felt so small under his powerful glance.

"Can I take you out?" He brathed out on my face as my eyes went wide.

Here you have chapter 8. In two or three days I'll update. I really hope i like this chapter, its probably my fave of this story by far.

What do you think will happen between Zarry on the next chapter?

Do you think harry will go back to the Enchanted Forest?

Will Louis ever know about Harry, being a fairy?

Well , I hope you enjoyed your Christmas!

See you soon.

-Ale ♡

The Enchanted Forest ( Zarry Stalik AU) *HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now