Chapter 16 - Conversation

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I was eating the yucky food alone in the school canteen, yeah I hadn't made friends with anyone. I only had Louis, but that day I still hadn't seen him.
But it was fine like this, I didn't want to have friends at the moment. I already had my problems.

Thinking of my problems, I hadn't seen Zayn in two days and I kind of missed him. I just hoped that he understood that this was a lot to take in all at once and that I truly appreciated the fact that he tried to help me with my powers, even though it resulted kind of unsuccessful. I didn't understand why the Queen was so reluctant about giving me my powers, because she thought I couldn't control them if I don't even know how to make them work.

Suddenly I heard someone tap my shoulder which woke me up from my trance.

I lifted my head to see who it was, and I noticed it was Louis.

"Hey mate, it's been a long time since I don't see you around." Louis said sitting next to me while faking a sob and wiping away a fake tear.

"God Louis, don't be so tragic, it's only been three days." I chuckled.

"And three fucking days is a lot, I thought you were dead." He said offended.

"You're such a drama queen, Lou."

"Of course I'm a queen, Haz. I'm fabulous."

"Course you are." I smiled shaking my head, he still was a sassy one.

"Bye the way honey, since today my boyfriend decided to ditch me and I don't want to spend another boring afternoon alone, you're officially invited to the queen's house."

"Really Lou, you know Queen Elizabeth?" I joked.

"No you idiot, I am the queen and you are invited to my house." He rolled his eyes.

"I had understood that."

"So? I want to catch up with you."

"Okay, I'll come." I finally surrendered.

"Yay!" He squealed. "See you then."

He got up and got out of the canteen as the bell sounded throughout the room, sign that the break had ended.

I sighed and started to slowly go to my History class.

The rest of the day was boring as usual, filled with teachers who didn't give a crap about their student but insisted on teaching and boys and girls I didn't give a crap about.

In the afternoon I found myself in Louis' house, sat on his couch waiting for him to take me my soda.

"So, you remember we have a discussion on hold right?" Louis said as he sank on the sofa with our sodas, passing me one.

"What?" I asked confused.

"C'mon you know what. Tell me about that Zayn guy." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I blushed a deep shade of red. Why did he have to bring it up? I thought he had forgot about that, after all more that two weeks had passed.

"So he is not just your friend, eh?" Louis gave me a knowing look.

"O-of course he is just a friend."

"You don't fool me baby, I know you didn't even faint that day in the bathroom. You could have came up with a better excuse to be honest, like who the hell faints on another person's mouth?" He sipped on his soda.

"But no I -I , well okay." I decided to give up and he grinned. "But we are not together, yet."

"But you are going to be. C'mon c'mon tell me everything, please.'' He squealed getting closer to me.

"Well I was having a walk in the forest when I found this boy on the ground who uhm, he had hurt himself and couldn't walk properly, yeah he couldn' so I helped him out of the forest. So ehm he happened to be in that coffee shop toilet e said he was attracted to me and uhm he got a little bit too near me and then you appeared and you know what happened. After a few weeks he asked me on a date, we went out and yeah it was really nice, but we didn't kiss. We kissed a few days after at his house. But no, we aren't together, we don't know each other." I told vaguely leaving out quite a few details. But yeah I couldn't tell him I was a fairy or that Zayn was the Darkness Knight.
No I couldn't.

"Oh my Gosh, my Hazza is in love." Louis squealed hugging me. Yeah it was quite a while that he hadn't hugged me.

"Who talked about love, Lou?"

"You did." He stated.

"No I didn't." I chuckled shaking my head.

Suddenly everything became bright and started to shine on my own.

"Harry ..." I heard Louis whisper incredulous.

I couldn't understand what was happening, neither I could stop it.

I felt incredible, like anything could stop me.

I started to fly, but in a few seconds everything stopped again and I was sat on the couch again.

But, but it was raining in Louis' living room.

"What the fuck Harry!" Louis shouted.

So heree you have chapter 16, what do you think about him.

Oh and yeah Harry is in a big problem now.

Can you please check my Zarry two-shot ski lesson?

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