Chapter 14 - It's Okay

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( We are back to Harry's P.O.V. )

I suddenly felt his lips on mine and I immediately opened my eyes wide in surprise, but I didn't dare pulling away. Actually I didn't want to, so I closed my eyes and moved along with Zayn's lips. My heart was beating fast, oh so fast. I was almost afraid that Zayn could hear its sound. Soon, my arms betrayed me and found their way around Zayn's neck and my fingers immediately started to play with his hair. At the same time I felt his hands lovingly cupping my cheeks. The kiss started to heat up  and I felt his tongue licking slowly my bottom lips and in that moment I felt I couldn't go any further so I slowly pulled away looking down. I was afraid to see Zayn's reaction because I didn't want to disappoint or upset him.

" Oh My God. I'm so sorry! I din't mean it. Are you okay?" Zayn rushed to lift my face cupping my cheeks and to look in my eyes worried.

"I- I, no It's okay. Just don't say you didn't mean it, please." I pleaded almost desperately.

"I-I ..." He started but then gulped and somehow he didn't continue what he was going to say, I saw regret into his eyes and I didn't want him to regret that kiss.

" Please don't say you didn't mean it. For me it meant a lot, like seriously. I'm sorry I pulled away like that. I guess I was just overwhelmed. You know, in this past two weeks a lot of things happened and then this. I think it was just too much. I am so sorry." I say.

"Oh Harry, I don't regret it one bit. I'm sorry I made you think otherwise." He apologized. 

I flashed at him a loving smile and he chuckled. "Come here, honey."

He opened his arms with a big smile and I didn't think twice before throwing myself into his arms resting my had on his chest.

He felt his hand
rubbing my back slowly and I buried my head deeper in his chest.

"You know, Harry?" He started, " I really like you."

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

" I kinda like you, too." I admitted.

" Yeah, but we are not possible. I mean you are a fairy and I am the darkness knight. Everyone would go mad." He stated.

"Yeah, especially when I am the Queen's son," I let it slip unconsciously away and both my and his eyes widened.

He wasn't meant to know.

"You are what?" He squealed.

" You heard me and I'm not gonna repeat it."I stated nervously.

"Okay, okay. Like, really?" He asked.

"Yes, but you weren't meant to know, just please don't tell anyone." I pleaded.

"Okay I promise not to tell anyone" Zayn smiled.

" That's funny don't you think?" I asked chuckling.


" I mean, you don't see everyday the knight of darkness and the Fairy Queen'son liking each other. Don't you think?" I joked.

"Yeah that's quite a new thing, I'm honest. Even though I haven't always been at the service of the Darkness Queen." He shrugged.

" I know that.  A friend of mine told me that story. Also that you killed his girlfriend."

" Oh my God. You mean Liam?" He asked and I nodded. " I really am sorry about that. I didn't mean to kill her. I don't like to kill people."

" I know, Zayn, I know." I knew that he didn't like it, I thought he was a good person or fairy as you could say. I suspected he didn't like being the Darkness Knight either.

" I feel like you know more things than I do." He whispered leaning in.

"Probably." I teased, leaning in a swell.

I smiled and closed my eyes and soon I felt Zayn's lips onto mine. This time it lasted just a few seconds and he pulled away.

"So, would you like to get to know each other better before labeling our relationship? Secretly, of course no one has to know."

"I really would love to, Zayn." I said softly. I didn't have to think much about it. For once I wanted to try to be happy. And since this seemed to be the only good thing that happened in my life in that period it would have been stupid of me to waste this chance. It wasn't like we were committed to each other or anything, yet.

Soo I hope you enjoyed chapter 14.

So sorry for the delay and for the short chapter. It's pretty pointless too for the story, but hey you got the Zarry kiss and fluff you've been waiting for. I hope you enjoyed it. I hate it but okay I needed to update

I dedicate this chapter to @Saphirebeauty99 cause she said I am her fave aw


Love ya!

-Ale :)

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