Chapter 5 - What Are You?

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As soon as I shouted his name something came over me and a force I didn't even know I had suddenly pushed him away slamming him violently on the other wall, while I strange light illuminated the whole scene.

I couldn't relize what had just happened. I had never felt so strong in my whole life, and I didn't know I had the power to do something like that to someone or better, something like Zayn, who was a fairy, moreover.

I looked down at my hands still shocked.

"What...?" I whispered not really knowing what I was asking or who I was asking the question to.

Everything was silent and akward until Zayn shifted uncomfortably and said : "What has just happened, Harry?"

I looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered, not really knowing how to respond.

"Like c'mon how did you do that? That's not what a human would do. Hell, even the srongest human on the planet doesn't have all that strenght. What are you?" He asked sincerly confused.

"Well, uhm, I'm a human. I lived all my crappy life as human, so I'm pretty sure I'm one!" I answered not so convinced, because he was somewhat right. But let's, face it, I couldn't be anything else.

He shock his head and started to approach me.

He put a and on my cheek and started caressing it, while examinating my face. I shivered and leaned into his touch. It was so pleasant.

He tilted his head a little bit and started to lean in.

I started to lean in too, looking at him right into the eyes. And that was there that I noticed that this time his eyes had a total different colour from the last time, they were more brown and more ... human. Yeah, that was the right word for it and I somehow didn't care about it at that moment.

I wasn't even so sure of what was about to happen until Zayn closed his eyes and parted slightly his lips letting me feel his breath on mine.

My heart was beating really fast and I closed my eyes too.

Our lips were about to touch when I didn't feel Zayn's breath anymore on my lips.

So I opened my eyes again and I noticed that Zayn did it too staying still really close to me.

"Seriously Harry, I can't figure you out, and that's so strange, cause one of my powers makes me figure every other creature out in a second. I can tell what a creature is, whatever it is in a second ... but when it comes to you it's so difficult. You have like these barriers up that don't make me figure you out. What are you?" He whispered.

Saying that I was shocked by his words was an euphemism.

I was about to somehow reply when someone entering throught the door stopped me making Zayn pull away from me very quickly.

"Harry, is everything okay, you were in it for a bit so I came to check up on you!" He said looking at me and then at Zayn, realising he was there too.

"And .. who are you?" He asked. looking at Zayn.

"I'm a friend of Harry. Well, Harry passed out and I happened to be in here to help him, but now everything is alright, right?" He lied and then looked at me, pointing out the fact that his question was directed to me.

I looked at him with wide eyes but then I coughed and recomposed myself.

"Hum, yeah, right. I don't know why I suddenly, hum, passed out and when I woke up I found Zayn there, who was helping me. And yeah, he is a friend of mine, I guess." I managed to say.

The Enchanted Forest ( Zarry Stalik AU) *HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now