Chapter 9 - No Way

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"What?!" I squealed.

"You heard what." he said still having his chest pressed against mine and my breath started to be really heavy.

"Ehm, could you please move?" I raised a eyebrow.

He looked down at our current position and smirked.

"If you accept to go out with me then yes, why not?"

"No way!" I exclaimed.

"Then we're going to stay here for ever. I don't know about you, but I have all the time of this world." Zayn answered.

"Uff, c'mon let me go I don't want to come with you. I don't even know why I should."

"Oh, let's see. You are gay and interested in me." He grinned.

"That's not true." I tried to argue obviouly not suceeding. It was obvious that I was gay and interested in him,but I couldn't like him, never in a million years.

"We both know that it's true, Harry. There's no use in denying it, you remember what my power is, right?" He said faking a pout.

Shit, he could figure things and people out, I forgot about that.

"Uh, yeah, but I thought you said you couldn't figure me out?" I tried.

"Yeah, you know, I can't only figure out your supernatural part, but I succeeded figuring your human one. But, I know you are a supernatural creature and I'll discover which one." He stated convinced.

"Well, about that, I don't know myself." I said paling when he mentioned my supernatural part.

"Okay, okay, so, about the date?" he asked again.

What? Now it was also a date?

"Okay!" I finally yielded 'cause I couldn't bear being so close to him anymore and he smile grew. Well, he had to admit that Zayn had the most beautiful smile he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Perfect, let's go!" He said taking me by my wirst.

"Yeah, but contain your excitment Zayn, It's not a date. We're going out just as simple friends." I stopped walking.

He looked at me with questioning eyes and started dragging me again by my wirst. "Talk for yourself."

I decided to give up and follow him without saying another work. In that moment I understood that it was difficult to move him from his ideas.

We continued to walk at a very qick pace with Zayn always holding onto my wirst and it was starting to hurt. Uh, that guy was really strong.

"Uhm, Zayn, could you please loosen up your grip a bit. It hurts." I winced.

He looked at his hand on my wirst and understood that he was squeezing it to hard. For the first time ever I saw the emotion into his eyes change from the cocky one he usually had to one of concern.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Harry." He said softly doing as I had asked. Now that he was showing this caring side of him it was almost impossible not to like him. But I just couldn't. I couldn't like the 'enemy'.

After a bit of time we arrived at a park near my granny's house whice I still didn't know that it existed.

There where lots of kids playing happily with each other on the playground; some families promenading; some old people talking to each other and also a few couples of young teenagers who were sitting on the grass kissing or just enjoying each other's company.

I had to say that that place was really refreshing and I thought that I would have started going there often.

Zayn lead me to a part of the park which was very secluded and private.

Zayn pointed to the ground where there was a cloth and on it there was a basket with, I guessed, food in it.

I couldn't believe that Zayn had actually made something like that for me.

I sat down and I looked at him in awe as he did the same.

"Did you do all of this for me Zayn?"

"Yeah." He shuggered smiling.

"Thank you. I like it." I said to him sincerly

He grinned at me and just shuggered again.

He passed me a sandwich and he took one for himself. After that, we ate in a confortable silence stoling each other's glances once in a while.

"Ya know, Harry, I'd really like to get to know you better, for real." He said starting to lean in again.

Oh my God, he had to stop doing that, or else I was going to die soon.

I looked at him as he leaned in dumbfonded and my brath stopped for a moment.

Why did he keep being so beautiful? My plan of not falling in love with him was miserably failing.

He kept leaning in until our breaths were becoming one. I closed my eyes and in a second we were in the same situation in which we were in the bathroom before being stopped by Louis. Exept the fact that my heart was beating even faster, if it was even possible.

As soon as I felt his lips grazing mines I pulled away.

"I'm sorry Zayn, I can't." I cried out.

I got up and I ran away leaving him sitting there with a look on his face I would have never forgot.

Here you have chapter nine!
Soo this was Zarry almost date and almost kiss for the second (sorry for that).
I hope you liked the chapter and that you're liking this story so far.
I'm doing the better I can to not disappoint you. I hope I'm succeeding.
Anyway, yesterday I posted a little tease for my new Narry Storan fanfiction Here You Are. It would be just amazing if you checked it out. It's on my profile thanks.

And, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (im posting a surprise for you my followers, tomorrow cough cough. "


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