Chapter 15 - Powers

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"I know a place where no one will find us." Zayn said offering me his hand. I took it and he started running taking me with him,  as soon as we entered into the forest we started running faster. I had never run so fast, I guess it was the powers.

I felt incredible, I had the air running through my hair and trees passed quickly near me and Zayn and I felt free for the first time ever, even though I really wasn't. But finally I knew who I really was.

"Okay we're here" Zayn said decelerating and stopping in front of a big bush. He stepped inside it and magically disappeared. At first I was confused because I didn't know  if I really could be able to do that, but I decided to try and it worked. When I got to the  other part of the bush I found Zayn waiting for me and a magical place appeared in front of my eyes.

"Where are we?" I asked dumbstruck.

"Well, when our reign used to be in peace this was a place filled with restaurants, cinemas and nightclubs, but now  everything has disappeared and no one ever comes here." He explained.

"Do fairies do those things too?" I asked again.

"Of course we do, or at least did. With this war between the two sisters, nothing funny exists anymore. Now the only thing that people do is work and hating on each other."

So that'd be important that I brought peace in the reign, everything was so dark, sad and horrible in the forest.

"But what are we doing here?"

"Well, you've just discovered that you are a fairy, haven't you?" He asked and I nodded. "So you don't know what your powers are, yet. So I thought to take you here to help you figure out your power and maybe start to learn to control it. You know, you have to be able to control your powers before the sacrifice in two weeks." Zayn explained  sitting on the ground.

"But how can I? I don't even know where to start." I said sitting next to him.

"That's why I'm here, so I can help you." He said throwing me a loving  glance and putting his hand on my thigh.

I smiled birght and muttered a 'thank you' he smiled back at me and captured softly my lips and a warm semsation spread through my whole body.

"C'mon let's start." He said getting up as I did too. "So okay, I discovered that the Queen's son is supposed to control nature and the weather at will, that is the biggest power that exists. And that is called
Atmokinesis. Now you have to understand how to do that."

I could do something as important as controlling nature? I couldn't believe that. I couldn't be that important.

"But how?" I pleaded.

"C'mon Harry, you have those powers just try, for me." Zayn said patting my back smoothly.

I nodded and tried to think that I could get those powers out of me. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the weather. Now it was sunny and I thought that the easiest thing I could do was create some wind or something.
I waited for something to happen, but nothing.

Suddenly I heard something pushing hard on my chest and light surrounded me, I thought that it was finally working, when everything stopped and I fell on the gorund.

"I can't" I sobbed putting my head in between my knees. I felt Zayn sitting beside me and putting his arms around my body. So I found myself having my head on his chest, so that I heard his heart beating.

"Ehy Harry, it's your first time trying, don't get yourself down like that." He ecouraged me.

"I just can't Zayn, how can I be so sure that I'm really her son? She can be lying." I said about the queen.

"She is not like that. She is not evil, she just does what it's best for his reign." He said.

"Yeah, but not what it's best for me. She just came to me and told me that my whole life was a lie and that she had abandoned me. That is evil. I feel so stressed" I cried.

"Harry ..." Zayn tried but I stopped him.

"Take me home, Zayn."

Okay this is chapter 15 its a tad bit short, but I had to start again at some point. I hope you liked it and yeah please comment and vote.

Do you think that Harry will ever accept what is happening to him?


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