Chapter 10 - Come Back, Please

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A few days had passed since I had last seen Zayn. He tried to contact me and talk to me, but I avoided him. Yeah, I knew it wasn't exaclty the right thing to do, but I needed some time to think about our situation. I also needed to go back to the Forest before doing anything with Zayn. I needed to understand what the situtation really was back in the Forest and what I could do to help them.

I still didn't know if I could trust him or not. I mean, he was supposed to be my worst enemy, since I supposedly was the Fairy Queen's son and he was the Knight of Darknesss. I knew that Beatrice had told me that he was captured and he didn't want to become one of them, but what if he had changed his mind while in?

I sure as Hell liked the boy, but I had to protect my people, as weird as it still sounded. Yeah, because even if I still wasn't used to call them like that, in the last few days I had come to my senses and I had realised that I had to protect them, no matters what and that it had been coward of me to escape. I still wasn't sure of when I wanted to go back there, though.

Suddenly I heard someone knock on the front door and I heard my mom shouting a "Coming!" and after a few second I heard a few muffled voices from downstairs.

"Harry, come down! There are a few friends that want to talk to you!" She soon called out.

A 'few friends'? Since when I had a 'few friends'? I only remembered having one.

Out of curiosity I decided to go downstairs anyway and see who these friends of mine were. So, I made my way downstairs to find Liam and Niall talking animatedly with mom on the couch. Oh, what a nice scene.

"Hey Harry! Why didn't you ever introduce me to your friends? They are really nice." My mum said after she noticed my presence.

"Uh I've never had the chance to. Anyways, hi guys." I akwardly waved at the both of them.

"Hi, Haz!" They cheered in unison.

"Well why don't we go upstairs?" I said nodding my head towards they stairs. They nodded and greeted my mother and followed me in my bedroom. 

They looked around for a bit and Liam said:"It is everything like we left it the last time we came to visit you, ten years ago."

"Yeah, because the last time you visited was also the last time visited, well until, uhm, about three weeks ago." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, you can sit down." I said.

They nodded and Niall sat on my bed and Liam on the chair in fron of my desk. I sat down on the bed next to Niall and he smiled at me.

"So?" I started.

"So what?" Liam half-snapped at me.

I raised an eyebrow, what was wrong with that guy? Also last time he had been reluctant towards me.

"So, why are you here, since when you enter from the front door. And why are you mad at me, Liam." I asked all at once.

"Well, I ..." Liam started to say, but soon Niall interrupted him.

"Let me do the talk, Liam, since I'm obviously happier than you to be here and there's no possibility that I will beat or shout at the guy." He said and then looked at me for my approval.

I gulped at his last words, but I nodded anyway 'cause I wanted to hear their reasons out. So, Niall continued his speech.

"Okay. I'll start to answer your last question. Liam is so mad at you for three specific reasons, but I'm sure he will forgive you soon. The first one is that when you left ten years ago he thought that you didn't want to talk to us anymore and he got really mad, 'cause he felt betrayed. So, if the last time  you were thinking that we stayed with you only because we had to, that's a no. We really enjoyed your company and since we were little we weren't really aware of the fact that we were checking on you by doing so."

I smiled at both him and Liam, because I really thought for a moment that they really weren't my friends for real, but luckly I had been wrong all along. So I nodded for Niall to continue.

"The second reason, is that when you left running last time back in the forest Liam thought that you didn't care about us and that you didn't want to help us and that you had left us for the second time. I've tried to make him come to his senses telling him that it was probably a lot to take in for you and that you would have came back soon, but he wouldn't listen to me. And the last one is because he had seen you the other day kissing Zayn Malik."

"What? I  didn't kiss him, he almost kissed me! And I understand he is the Knight of Darkness or whatever, but why Liam has to be that mad at me?" I asked confused as if Liam wasn't even in the same room as us.

"Well, he is not mad because you are seeing the Kight of Darkness, but because Zayn  killed his ex-girlfriend Danielle, in the middle of a battle one month ago. You know, he loved her a lot and he isn't over it, yet." 

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, Liam, I didn't know. And I really care about you two, I'm sorry I made you think otherwise." I said really concerned.

"Oh, Harry, It's not your fault, I mean, I overreacted. Sorry." Liam said as he got up to come and hug me really thight. I hugged him back and muttered a few 'sorrys' in his ears.

"Yaay, I'm glad everything is okay." Niall cheered and both me and Liam laughed at the blond's behavior.

"Anyway, we entered from the front door, because it seemed more polite and easier that to enter from the window, besides we can control our powers now. And, we came here to beg you to come back to the Forest. We really need you, please." Liam said.

I thought about it and I decided that I wanted to go back there, besides I wanted to know why I didn't have my powers if the Queen herself said I was the most powerful creature of the world.

"Yes, I'll come back." I stated.

"Yay."They both cheered jumping as two teenage girls that had just recieved tickets to see their favourite boyband.

"Well, follow us." Liam said returning his serious self.

Here you have chapter ten! The longest one in this book so far.

I hope you liked it since we get to know Liam's and Niall's side of the story.

And, yaaay, Harry is about to go back to the enchanted forest. What do you think will happen back there?

Comment and Vote.


-Ale :)

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