Chapter 7 - An Important Discovery

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"We have to talk about something really important. We need you, Harry"

Okay, this was starting to scare me.

They needed me?

Who needed me?

For what?

And most of all, why me?

These were the questions floading my mind in that moment. I couldn't really understand the queen's words.

"What?" I almost squealed.

The Queen laughed bitterly. " Yes, Harry, I'm sorry that this had to come so soon, I wished I would never had to do this and let you live your life in peace, but at this point I really can't. I need you, all my kingdom needs you!"

I still couldn't understand her words. I mean, How could I help them if I was a stupid human, I didn't have the powers to do that, even if I wanted to.

"Can you please explain me how, your majesty?" I asked her politely.

"Oh Harry, you don't need to call me that, just call me with my name, Beatrice." She smiled sweetly at me and then continued."Well, you see, for ten years my kingdom has never been the same as you remember it. In fact, my sister Elizabeth rebelled against me and with some of her followers she formed the Kingdom of Darkness. From that moment she cospires against me. She wants to take all my Kingdom and make all my subjects live in the dark. I could control her since a few months ago, but then something bad happened. She captured my most faithful knight, Zayn, forcing him to fight for her and from that moment most of my people don't trust me anymore and they are starting to go on her side. She wants to declare war on my people." She finished to tell her story with a sigh.

I was completely shocked. I still didn't understand what I had to do with all of this. And Zayn? I didn't know if he was the same Zayn I knew, I guessed he was. I couldn't believe that I had a crush on a knight of darkness.

"Excuse me, Beatrice, I still don't understand." I asked her again.

She closed her big eyes and took a deep breath. It seemed like she was struggling to tell me the entire truth.

"Well Harry ... " She started. " I seriously don't know how to tell you this ... I think I'll just go with it. Harry, I'm informing you that you are a fairy too."

Oh my God. I was a what?

Oh no, I couldn't be a fairy. No, I had no magical powers or whatever. I had lived all my life as a human, it was obvious that I couldn't be a magical creature.

Why was this happening to me?

"H-how?" I stuttered with small voice.

"I'm telling you the truth. You are my son. As soon as you were born my sister threatened to hurt you and I couldn't let that happen, so I had to do something. I hid your powers deep down so when you grew up no one could have suspected anything and I left you in front of a house's door. That house happened to be Anne's house, your mother. I didn't want to tell you like this, but we need you now, I don't want to let my sister destroy the kingdom and let all my people die. You are the most powerful creature of the forest. Please, help us." she said whispering almost in defeat.

I dropped on my knees with a shocked face. I felt all my world crumbling. That couldn't be true, all the things I knew weren't't true. All the things I lived weren't true. The woman I thought was my mother wasn't actually my mother. Heck I felt like I lived a lie.

I wanted to die in that moment. I wanted to escape and never see anyone anymore.

It was too much information to take in all at once, and I couldn't take it.

In that moment I realised that Niall and Liam were still there near me.

I looked up and asked them: " Did, did you guys know about this?"

They lowered their glance and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, we have always knew about that. We've been near you when you were little to check on you and to protect you. We're sorry." Niall said lovingly.

Oh, That's it. I was done.

Everything I believed in, was a lie. So they weren't my friends for real, but they were just checking on me? Oh great.

I couldn't be there a second longer.

"Sorry I can't take it anymore. I have to go. I can't stay here. I'll be back though, maybe" I said in a hurry.

I got up and I sarted to run. I ran as fast as I could.

I ran through the trees of the forest, stumbling a few times.

I had hot tears running down my cheeks and my sight was blurred.

I exited the forest and I was about to get on the street when I felt like I was passing out.

Suddenly everything went blank.

Hello everyoneee!

Yeah I'm not dead if there's someone that still wants to read this story. I'm an horrible author, I know, and I beg your pardon for that.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.

What do you think harry will do?

Do you think that Niall and Liam were there for him only to check on hik, or because they really cared for him?


love youuuu

- ale :)

The Enchanted Forest ( Zarry Stalik AU) *HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now