Chapter 2 - Strange Things

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Harry's P.O.V

We arrived at my grandma's the day after and everything was like I remebered. As soon as we arrived I greeted my grandma and she said to go to my room and set my things.

When I entered my room I heard some noise and my mom and my grandma started to scream at each other like always. They were mother and daughter, but they hated each other like they were enemies.

Since I didn't want to hear them fight as soon as I set up my room, I went out for a walk.

Maybe I can go to the forest and see if my friends are still there. I thought so I started to walk in the direction of the forest.

When I saw it everything seemed like the last time I was there, but I was very wrong.

In fact when I let myself through the tall trees I felt that something was wrong.

It didn't seem the happy and colourful place I remebered,  but it was almost a dark and creepy place. Maybe my mum was right this was in fact a sick place.

I was a bit scared and I had shivers all over my body. I was about to runaway and never come back when I saw something, maybe a body, move in the distance under a tree.

Curiosity got over me and I found myself get closer to that 'something'.

When I got closer I realised that it was in fact a body and the guy was struggling to stay alive, because he had an arrow stuck in his chest.

So hurried to help this guy. He was still alive but I had to do something to remove the arrow.

"Oh my God are you okay?" I said when I embraced the boy and I lifted his head. I knew it was a stupid question but I had to make him talk to me so he wouldn’t fall asleep. I couldn’t let him die in my arms.

"Does it seem like I'm okay?" his angelic and sarcastic voice spoke up. He opend his eyes and I had the chance to look in them. They had something starange. They hadn't a normal colour they were almost gold. I just couldn't stop to look into them.

"Are we going to look into each other's eyes for all the day or are you going to help me?" his sarcastic tone woke me up from my trance.

"Uhm ... ehm ... yeah I'm going to help you. Is there some water near here?" I asked a bit embarassed

"Yeah take me and go over there, there's a little stream." he pointed over some trees.

I couldn't help but nodding and taking him bridal style where he said to me without any question. I didn't know what, but something made me do like he wanted. He had such an effect on me, and I didn't even know him. I felt somehow subdued by him.

When we arrived were the struggling boy told me, there was a little stream like he said.

I dropped him on the ground gently and I took off my shirt.

I dipped the shirt in the cold water and then I started to clean carefully the blood around the arrow

He stiffened a bit but didn't say anything.

"Tell me if I hurt you, please." I said almost lovingly.

In responce he just nodded.

I took a deep breath and I proceeded to remove the arrow from his chest.

This was absolutely the stranges and the most disgusting thing that I've ever done in my life.

He still didn't say anything.

I was about to clean the blood, but suddenly his chest started to shine and his wound magically disappeared. It was like anything happened at all.

I widened my eyes in shock.

I couldn't believe it. It couldn't have happened for real.

C'mon things like that didn't happen to normal people,unless ...

"Oh my God, are you ... are you a fairy?" I asked a bit afraid of his reaction.

He just nodded. How  could he be so calm about it?

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Zayn" he said simply. Not even asking my name.

"But why?" I suddenly asked.

"What, why?" 

"Why did you even let me help you, if you knew that your wound would have healed by itself?" I wondered genuinely curious.

"That's simple. Beacuse I wanted to talk to you Harry Styles!" And with that he desapperared.

What the Hell? I didn't even tell him my name.

So here you have chapter 2.

Sorry, but wattpad is stupid and it deleted half of this chapter and I had to write it again I hope you still like it.

-ale :)

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