Chapter 11 - All The Truth

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We were walking very quickly through the forest and I was struggling to keep up with Liam and Niall.

I didn't care that much, though. I was too busy thinking about all the unanswered questions that were filling my mind in that moment. I wanted so many answers by the queen, but at the same time I knew that she wouldn't have been able to give them to me and that I had to discover the answer to the questions on my own. I just had to be patient.

The only two questions I knew she could answer were : 

number one, what did I have to do exactly to save the queen's subjects; number two, where the fuck my powers were. Because if I really was a fairy I should have had powers, but that I knew of, I didn't have any.

Ugh, this whole story was giving me a migraine. Why did I have to suggest to mom to come living here. I would have almost preferred to live under a bridge, at least I would have lived in peace.

But then again I would have never met again Louis, Liam and Niall and ... I would have never met Zayn.


We had almost kissed, and if on one side I wanted to know how it would have been like to kiss him, on the other I was glad that I had pulled away. It was the right thing to do. I had to know exactly what I was and what I had to do, before doing anything with him.

I didn't really know what I felt for him, but I couldn't deny that I liked the boy, a lot. But yeah, I didn't know if could trust him or not, I didn't know which were his intentions.

Of course you don't, you idiot, you never gave him time to show them to you when you closed him off.

A little, yet annoying voice, sounded throughout my head and I scoffed. I guessed it was right, but I didn't want to admit it.

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me and I came out of my trance.

"Harry, Harry we are here. Wake up!" Liam scolded me.

"Yeah, yeah calm down, Liam." I told him sending him a glare.

He lowered his head and muttered a sorry. It was clear that he still had to work on the whole 'I don't hate you' thing.

Anyway, I fucused my glance on what was in front of me and I saw the smiling Queen in front  of me in all her beauty and glory.

" Welcome, back son, I knew you would have come to your senses and decided for the best."

"No!" I shouted without even meaning it.

"Wh-what?" She stuttered.

"I ...  don't call me son, please." I said calmly at that point.

"Oh, okay, Harry." She said and I could clearly see the hurt in her eyes, but she soon covered it with a smile.

"Thanks. Can I ask you some questions, please?" 

"Yes Harry go on." She smiled.

"Well, how do you expect me to help you and your kind exctly?" I asked.

She nodded and started to say. " First of all Harry,  you are of our kind, too. I know it's difficult, but you need to accept it. Anyway. We don't want to have a war with my sister, unless she declares war on us. So, we decided to compromise with my sister, hoping that she won't change her mind. Basically, we want to give her a sacrifice."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't understand." I interrupted her.

" Let me explain. You are going to be the sacrifice and -"

"What?! You called me back in the forest and ruined my life, just to let me die to stop your stupid feud with your sister? No way!" I shouted starting to run towards the Queen with my fist in the hair wanting to punch her, but I was stopped by two arms around my waist.

"Calm down, Harry, you don't want to kill the queen, do you?" Niall said softly into my ears calming me down. Once I had calmed down, Niall released me.

"Oh Goodness, Harry, Let me explain and don't interrupt me. Thanks." She snapped and I nodded lowering my glance realising that I had overreacted.

"Okay. I promise you that won't get hurt, because you can't get hurt for God's sake You can't even die, you are fairy. Trust me that I wouldn't have put you into this mess, if I wasn't one hundred percent sure that you won't get hurt. You are just going to pretend to die, because no one knows that you are a fairy and so immortal. In this way my sister is going to leave us alone."

"Oh, how can I be so sure that I am immortal and that I won't die if I don't even have powers?" I asked her sassily, still not so convinced by her words.

"When you were little I hid all your powers deep down, for you not to be a danger for the humans. I just hoped that you wouldn't have never come to the point that you needed them. I just have to exhume them." She said starting to walk towrds me.

"And if I wanted them?" I questioned tilting my head on the side.

"I'm not sure. I mean, you are so powerful. I don't if you could really handle them." She saind caressing my cheek studying my features.

"Please.  I'm sure that Niall and Liam will help me with them." I whined pointing to the two fairies behind me.

"I know, but I'm still not sure. It wouldn't be wise to give you your powers at this point of your life."

"What if I said that if you gave me my powers, I'd be the sacrifice for you?" I proposed.

She bit her lips starting to walk back and forth and it seemed like she was thinking really hard.

Afer a few minutes of her doing that, she came back right in front of me.

"Okay." She breathed out closing her eyes.

"Really?" I said excited, because I didn't think that she would have given in so easily.

""Yes." She nodded and put a hand on my heart.

Suddenly I was blinded by a bright light and I opened my eyes wide, even though I really wanted to close them. But I just couldn't. I felt a heavy pressure on my chest and it was like my heart was being ripped out of it. 

Even if I was hurting, I felt  like life was flowing through my veins for the first time ever. At some point I felt like I was shot in the head and I fell on the ground and everything went black again.

Until I reopened my eyes again and I couldn't take in my surroundings. I just could see some black figures around me, without even knowing who they where or where I was. I didn't rememeber anything.

So I did the first thing I could think of, I started to run. I ran away without even seeing anything. I only heard a few voices echoing behind me.

I ran, ran and ran without knowing where to.

My eyesight was staring to stabilize again.

I wanted to stop, because I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't bring myself to.

Until I found myself in front of a door and without even meaning it, I knocked on it.

After a few seconds a familiar boy opened it with a confused look on his beautiful face.

"Zayn." I breathed out before fainting and falling into his arms.

 Soo here you have chapter 11, sorry for the long wait, but I had a rough week and I couldn't bring myself to write so sorry if this sucks. But basically I discovered that a friend of mine cuts herself and I don't how to help her so yeah I had a rough week.

Anyway I hope you liked it anyway.

I want to dedicate this chapter to @TheMonsterDarlin. Because she one the best people that I've ever met and even if we never met in real life, I still love her! Love you Jay :)

I'm going to school now lol

Vote and comment.

-Ale :)

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