Day 6 part 3

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Chris apartment time jump
Chris pov
I wake up and look at my phone it's now 5:30 and I'm freezing. I get up to check the thermostat and it's still set in 68. I crank it up to 74 and curl back up on the couch. My head hurts and my body aches. I pick up my phone and start to call street before I stop myself. He said he wanted space so I'll give him space. I close my eyes hoping that sleep will come and I'll fell better.

Street POV
I leave the hotel and decide that I'm going to stay with Chris. I stop by a flower shop and pick up her favorite flowers and then head to pick up her favorite takeout. I load everything back up and head for her apartment.
I'm walking back up the stairs to Chris apartment. After taking a nap and thinking about it I can't leave her here all alone and upset even if that having to act like I don't love her as more than friends. I reach her door and stand there deciding if I should knock of use the spare key she gave me. I decide on knocking. I don't want to intrude. But after 10 mins with no answer I unlock the door and let my self in. "Chris" I call out. "Chris where are you?" I ask. As I found the couch i find her curled up in a ball wrapped in a whole bunch of blankets. I push her hair out of her face and she burning up. I shake her shoulder " Chris Chris look at me. Come on open your eyes for me" I say. She opens them a little bit before she closes then again. I dial 911 and tell them what's going on and they inform me that help is on the way. After I get off the phone with 911 I call hondo.

H: hey kid what's going on I have you on speaker the team is here
S: it's Chris she's not ok
H: what do u mean she's not ok
S. I just got to her apartment and she's burning up with a 103 fever and she not responsive. I called 911 and paramedics are on the way but I thought I would call you
H: yeah I'm glad you did how are you feeling
S: I don't know I can't lose her not like this hondo what am I supposed to do
H: hey kid she's gonna make it through this she's stronger than all of us

"Paramedics with the LAFD" I hear at the door. "Come in" I shout.
S: look I got to go paramedics are here
H: ok kid keep us updated I'll try and meet you at the hospital

I hang up the phone with hondo and move out of the way for the paramedics to work. They start and over and get her loaded on the stretcher to go to the hospital. I follow them out and get in the back of the ambulance. All I can think is you can't die in me Chris. Please wake up. I stare at her sick form she looks so small and helpless and it pains me that I can't take this away from her. That I can't trade places with her. I close my eyes and pray as we speed out way to the hospital.

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