Day 7

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Next morning. Chris was admitted to the hospital and after some very threatening words from street on how he's not leaving her they allowed him to stay

Street POV
I'm sitting next to Chris she hooked up to a bunch of monitors and they have an oxygen mask on her face. She looks so fragile that I'm scared I'll hurt her if I touch her. For as long as I have know Chris I have never seen her so frail and broken. They took blood from her sometime last night and got scans set up for today. They still don't know what's wrong with her but we do know it's not covid. They ran 3 covid test on her and they all came back negative. So now it's a waiting game. I lean my head back against the seat of the recliner hoping to try and get some sleep. As I close my eyes my phone starts to buzz. It's a FaceTime call from deecan.

D: street how is she? They won't let me in to see her.
S: she sleeping now they have her hooked up to a bunch of machines they don't know what's wrong. All they know is that it isn't covid.
D: ok that's good at least it's not that. Have the dr came in to talk to you.
S: no a nurse dropped by there gonn ataks her for scans later there suspect pneumonia but there not sure
D: ok we can work with that
S: deecan I don't know what I'm gonna do if I lose her. You didn't see her last night I couldn't get her to wake up and she had a high fever. I mean look. They have her hooked up to god knows what
Street turns the camera on his phone to face Chris. Showing her to deecan.
D: hey street you listen to me kid out girl is a fighter I promise you when I say that. She's not going anywhere ok. Just stay with her and keep us updated. I have to go there calling the team.
S: will do
D: and don't forget to take care of yourself kid ok. Chris is gonna be just fine I have faith in that
Street nods his head and deecan hangs up the phone. He leans his head back and hopes sleep will overcome him.

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