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I was walking down the hall, alone like always when I saw someone I really didn't wanna see, come from around the corner. We make eye contact and he smirked at me and started walking towards me.

I felt my heart drop to my feet. I was about to make a dash for it the other way but they grabbed my shoulder and spun me back around, facing them.

"Oh hello y/n, coincidental that I happen to run into you today." He pushes me back into a locker. I just stare down at the ground when he says

"Listen, why do you even attend this school? Your existence is more of a failure than your grades" He said, before laughing.

I felt a sting in my heart as he said that. What made the comment hurt worse was I had a huge crush on him.

I blankly stared at the ground, vision getting more blurry by the second. "Oh, did I make you cry? Sorry, not sorry" He said hanging his lip. You can tell he didn't regret one bit of what he said.

Soon, tears started forming in my eyes until they dropped on the floor and made tiny puddles.

I just wiped my tears and tried to walk away. "Did I ever say you could leave?" He said, before grabbing my backpack.

"U-uh.." I stuttered out.

He laughs at her. "U-uh uh uh u-uh. Spit it out." He said making fun of me.

More tears start forming but I just wipe them away again. He gets closer to my ear and says

"Whatever go ahead and run off crying like you always do, crybaby." He said as he backed away, laughing. I quickly ran off to the bathroom so I could just cry there.

When I get there, I go into a stall and sit on the toilet. I put my feet up to my chest, remember everything he said to me, and I silently cry with my arms around my head leaning on my knees.

After a while of crying, the bell rang. I quickly wiped my tears, opened the stall door, and ran out the bathroom to class.

I quickly got into my seat right as class started. I got there right before the teacher came walking in.

After a while in class, I felt a thud on the side of my head. There was a paper ball thrown at me again, I can tell. I look beside me on the floor and pick up the paper ball. I open it and it was a message. "The look on your face is more disappointing when I look at you than the school lunches." It says.

I look behind me and sees students snickering at me. I turn back around around and I feel like I wanna cry but I didn't. Not in class.

After school

Y/n's head:

I wish I could switch schools already. I have enough money to buy a new house at least so I can move away from this disgusting and mean neighborhood filled with people who are just bullies.

Time skip to when she moved <3

Y/n's POV

I look at the new house that I just bought and it looks pretty good. Im excited to finally move out from that neighborhood and school. I go inside and look around in amazement. It was better looking on the inside than it was the outside.

Im not all excited about the new school thing but who knows, I might like it. Hell, I might even make some friends for once.

𝑀𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑆𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦❤︎{𝑅𝑒𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚! 𝑆ℎ𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}Where stories live. Discover now