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(this photo is the best reki photo to ever exist its just to amazing not to be)

Y/n's POV

Its the next day and I am so tired. I didnt wanna get up, I just wanted to sleep until I die. But I couldn't because of someone. "Y/n get up we have school today." He said in a kinda monotone voice. "But I dont wanna get uppp" I said facing away from Reki. "Let me sleep go to school without me." I said before I yawned. "Y/n get up." He says. I stay still not answering him anymore.

He sighs and says "I'll let you do the competition if you get up and go to school today." He said non-enthusiastic. I instantly got up and said "well looks like were going to school!" I said with a smile. He looked at me with a straight bored face knowing I would get up from that.

At school

Me and Reki are talking about random things that we enjoy doing. Out of nowhere, a basketball comes and hits me straight in the middle of my face. I instantly fall to the ground cuz of the impact. "Y/n are you okay?!" Reki says bending down on one knee to see if im all right. "Y-yea im fine" I said quietly.

What made this worse was that it was in the hallway. So everyone saw this happen and that was sorta embarrassing. "Oh im so terribly sorry I wasnt aiming for your face." I heard from infront of me. And I knew exactly whos annoying ass voice that was.

It was that Nuoah guy. Reki helps me up off the ground. Im holding my nose because thats where the basketball hit me. "Ohh is your nose bleeding? My bad" He said in a baby voice. I look him dead in the eyes and squint my eyes.

I turn around and speedwalk to the nurse because I dont wanna be here anymore. "Y-y/n wait!" Reki says behind me. I dont turn around. I dont wanna be embarrassed more than that. Especially infront of Reki.

Reki's POV

Me and y/n get to school and we kinda started talking about random interests we have. Then as shes talking, a basketball hits her dead in the face. She falls right to the ground groaning. "Y/n are you okay?!" I said worried. "Y-yea im fine." She says.

She doesn't look fine to me. That was a fatal blow right to to the face. If her nose is broken, I wouldnt be surprised. "Oh im so terribly sorry I wasnt aiming for your face." I hear from infront of us. I look up and its this asshole Nuoah. Of course he was the one who did it. On purpose too.

I help y/n off the floor afterwards. Shes holding her nose and I see it starts to bleed."Ohh is your nose bleeding? My bad." He says in a baby voice. This dude is so immature. I saw y/n give him a little glare before she started speedwalking away. "Y-y/n wait!" I shout out to her. But she doesn't turn around.

I mean I dont blame her. I would walk away too. To go to the nurse to see about my nose. And just to walk away from embarrassment. At this point, im furious with Nuoah. I turn around looking at him mad. "Oh? whats this? Is the little boyfriend sticking up for his girlfriend?" He says smirking. I start blushing and I can tell its visible. "I-im not her boyfriend! Im just a friend of hers, shut the hell up!" I scream at him.

"Ok so your her friend but you like her?" He says. "N-no I dont, stay out of my business!" I say. "That blush on your face says otherwise." He said grinning. "But whatever you say." He says turning around. Right as he was about to walk away, I tackle him to the ground.

Y/n's POV

Im at the nurse and the lady that works as the nurse is checking out my nose to see if its broken or not. I mean, it feels broken so it might be. Its been maybe 20 minutes already since I got here. She finally says something about my nose." Yep your nose is broken" She says looking at me. "Oh I expected that, it kinda feels broken too so" I say. "You'll have to go to the hospital for that. But the only thing I can do is give you tissue." She says handing me tissue.

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