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(that picture is my lockscreen-)

I realized it was Reki who was kissing me. He let go and cupped my face, looked at me and smiled. "Promise me something?" He said. I nodded looking back at him. "Dont let anyone get in your head and throw you down ok?" He said in a serious tone. I couldn't promise that. After everything that has happened in my life, I felt like I had to end it someday.

One day, I wasnt gonna be here with Reki and Langa. I wont suffer from bullies anymore. But I obviously couldn't tell Reki that, so I just said "I promise" And smiled right back at him. I got up off the toilet and Reki immediately kissed me again. After a few seconds, I held his head and pulled back. I made eye contact with him. "We're still in school remember?" I say. He looks at me with a 'so?' face. "Reki, we have to get to class." He pouted after I said that. I take his hand and walk out the stall.

"Do we have to go to class tho..?" Reki complained. "Yea we do" I say, dragging him out the bathroom.

After school

When we get home, I immediately went upstairs to do homework. But that wasnt the only reason why I ran. For what feels like the first time, I got told to kill myself again. Honestly, I dont know how much longer im gonna keep this 'happy' act up for.

Im crying into my pillow right now. Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door. "Y/n are you there?" It was Reki's voice. I get up fast, wipe my tears, grab my homework and place it on my desk. I sit down in the chair and go "y-yea im here." I say still wiping my tears.

He opens the door and comes towards me. "You've been crying havent you?" He says wrapping his arms around my neck and putting his chin on my shoulder. "W-what?" I asked shocked. "1, it looks like you have" He said in a monotone voice." And 2, Before I knocked, I heard your crying in here." He said calmly.

We sit in silence for a bit. Until he breaks the silence. "Whats wrong?" He said staring at my homework. "Uhh..-" I went silence for a few after then I told him what happened. He wasnt phased but I could feel the rage around him. "Don't listen to them, their just dumb bullies who have nothing better to do then make other people feel less about themselves." He said making eye contact.

I look back at him and smile. He smiles back and kisses my forehead. "I'll be downstairs, call me if you need anything." He said softly. I nod my head and he closed the door. I turn back around towards my homework and just stare at it. 'I cant leave him but I want too so bad. Ill do it someday. Maybe..' I say in my mind. I pick up a pencil and start doing my homework.

2 hours later

I finally finished my homework. Im tired but, its only 5 in the afternoon. My hands are aching from writing and so is my back from sitting in this chair for so long. I get up out the chair to stretch and crack my fingers. I push my desk chair towards my desk and head out the door.

I go downstairs and I see Reki watching tv but it looks like hes asleep. I quietly go over, just incase he is asleep, and look at his face. He was asleep. He had his elbow on the couch and his hand folded in a ball and his cheek was leaning against it. I smiled and went over to him and sat down.

I kiss his cheek and snuggle into his chest. After a few minutes, I fall asleep too. I felt something on my forehead and I know exactly what it was. Reki kissed my forehead. After a few minutes, I fully fell asleep in his arms.

4 hours later

I wake up to the feeling of someone caressing me in their arms. I look up and see Reki. He has a cute, soft expression on his face. I smile and kiss him. I feel him kiss back. We pull back and he looks at me and smiles. I smile back and chuckle afterwards. We ended up watching a movie together.

In the morning

Its the next morning and I felt someone pinching my arm lightly. Eventually, it got harder and harder. Until the point where it woke me right up. "Ow!" I say, holding my arm. I squint my eyes and look next to me. I see Reki laughing slightly. "What do you want?" I ask, putting my blanket back over me.

"We have school" He says pulling the blanket off me. "Can we just call in sick or something?" I say covering my head. "We?" He said. "Yea we, your not leaving me home alone for like 7 hours right?" I said in a sad voice. He laughs. "No way, it'll be boring at school without you anyway" He says pulling me back on the couch.

I laugh afterwards. "Hey, I have a question." I say. "What is it?" He says, looking at me. I wait a few seconds before saying my question. "What does this make us?" He looks at me and laughs. I look at him in confusion. "Whats so funny?" I say. "Nothing but to answer your question, we can be anything you want." He says smiling at me.

I smile back at him and I kiss him and he kisses back. He pulls away and asks, "So are we a thing cuz you didnt really answer the question." He says with a bland face and monotone voice. I laugh and sit up off the couch. "Yes we are Reki" I say. "Yesssss!" He says excitingly tackling me back on the couch. We both start laughing for a while from literally nothing.

'Well there goes my plans on dying. I cant leave Reki alone like this, and I made a promise, and ive never broken a promise before. This might be my first promise ive ever broken. Im sorry Reki, I love you..'

(i made this a short ass chapter, ive been working on this for so long, but i had no motivation to do it but i will finish this book i swear)

words: 1088

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