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(I support Reki suprem- ill stop)

Y/n's POV

Its the next day at school and I look for Reki and Langa immediately. But as I turn the corner, I bumped into that b/n guy on accident and I fall into the floor pretty hard.

"Oi watch where your going bitch!" He says to me as he steps on hand purposely. I wince in pain silently. I get up and hold my hand as I make my way to Reki's locker to see if hes there with Langa. And as I expected, they both are there. I tap his shoulder as he turns around and looks at me concerned.

"Y/n are you okay?" He says. Seems like he noticed me holding my hand. "What happened to your hand?!" He says, raising his voice. I felt a sudden pain in my ears.

Thats because they are pretty sensitive to loud noises such as, Reki projecting his voice right infront of me. Reki looks at me with a confused face.

"Y/n, whats wrong?" "My ears are sensitive so please dont yell.." "Sorry y/n" Reki looked apologetic. "Can you please tell me what happened to your hand?" You mumble out "U-uhm.. it was h/n.." I could feel the dark aura around him when I said his name. "N-no wait Reki! Dont hurt him please! I-im fine!" I say, grabbing one of his wrists pulling him back.

"Are you telling me I cant punch the guy real quick?" He said crossing his arms with a dumbfounded face. "Yes I am." I said. He sighs and he complies. I let go of his wrist before smiling at him. "Fine I wont I guess.." He made some kind of face that was funny to me.

I laughed a little. I think he saw my smile because he was kinda blushing when I opened my eyes. I haven't genuinely laughed like this is years. I'll have to thank Reki for that soon.

At your house

Im sitting on my couch watching a movie, f/m (favorite movie) when my phone on the table buzzed so I picked it up. It was a messsge from Reki.


                                                         heyaaaa y/n


                                                        do u wanna
                                                        come with me and Langa
                                                       to the skate park
                                                       I can teach you how

                                                                        Is no even
                                                                                                                                an option?

                                                    nope, im already
                                                   at your door :)

My door bell rang like 30 times. I sighed and went to open the door and It was Reki. "Heyo!" He says with a huge smile. "Hi" I respond. "How are you still in your pjs?" He asks. "Oh im sorry I didnt have time to get dressed with those 2 seconds I had." I say sarcastically.

𝑀𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑆𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦❤︎{𝑅𝑒𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚! 𝑆ℎ𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}Where stories live. Discover now