𝙰𝚕𝚕'𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗ت︎

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After class, I went back to my locker and again, everyone staring at me like I was psychotic.

I sigh because im pretty used to it at this point. As im at my locker putting some books in and taking some out, a bunch of people walk up to me with faces of disgust and anger.

"What the hell is with you?" 1 person says.

"Listen, if this is about me saying shit to Miruko, I didnt say anything to her!" I said.

"Dont lie, we saw everything you did." Another person said.

"What do you mean? Whatever it is, its just as fake as Miroku." I said.

"I mean, we saw a video of you beating her up yesterday and told her to stop telling people what you did to her." They said.

"Well that videos fake cuz I was home all day yesterday after school." I said.

"Ok, if your saying you were 'home' all day after school, then explain this video."

They put their phone infront of my face and as I watch the video, my eyes widen. As the video finished, the all looked at me with angered faces.

"I swear to you, I never did any of that." I said.

"Then whos in this video if it isnt you?" One said.

"Uhh.." I was speechless. I didnt even know who else it could be in that video besides me. They looked exactly like me. Or at least from behind.

"Notice how the person isn't showing their face to the camera?" Someone said.

They all turned around and it was Langa again. "Which means they dont wanna show their face to the camera. So, it could be a fake." He said.

They all mumbled to each other, agreeing with Langa's statement then just left like that.

"Thanks again.." I said, before nervously laughing.

"You're welcome." He said. "Also, here." He gave me a note. I was confused on why he gave it me this but I took it anyways.

"It's from Reki." He said. I froze while opening the note. I slowly closed it back and held my hand out towards Langa.

"I dont want it." I said. "What?" "I said take the note, damn it!" I said, figirously.

"No, read it first." Langa said. "I dont want to read it." I said.

Langa looked at me with the scariest face he could ever make in his life.

"Fine, ill read it.." I said, opening the note. His face went into a slight smile after I said that.

I read the note from Reki and it pretty much said how sorry he is about what he did and what he could've done and regretting everything he did at the parlor.

After reading the full note, I kinda felt bad. I would feel sad too if Reki was ignoring me for weeks.

I eyes may or may not have watered after I finished reading the note too.

"Y/n, are you crying?" Langa said.

"No im doing a handstand! Of course im crying, captain obvious!" I said, rubbing my tears away.

"Thats nice that you care about Reki." He said, smiling slightly.

"What do you mean?! I've always cared about him! Ever since I met him, I did!" I said, yelling.

"Thats so nice of you y/n, I kinda never expected this from you." Langa said in that monotone he has.

"What, did you think I didn't care about anyone or something?!" I said.

"Yes." He said. Langa is so straightforward when it comes to certain things..

"That's offensive." I said. "When school ends, I'll go straight to Reki's house." I said, putting a thumbs up.

"Ok, good luck." Langa said, before walking away.

~𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍~

I didn't feel like skateboarding so I walked to Reki's house. Besides, it takes like 5 minutes to get to his house by skateboarding and I wanted to take my time to get there.

As I was approaching his house, I kinda got nervous. I ignored him for a few days and now suddenly, im gonna talk to him again.

And who knows, the reason he might've sent that note and asked me to come is to just break up because things are working out.

Or because of the incident. As I thought about him breaking up with me, I got the feeling you get when you go downwards on a roller coaster.

I hesitantly knocked on the door and it opened. It was Kokomi, Reki's older sister.

"Oh, hey y/n! Reki's in his room all depressed and stuff. Do you know why?" She asked.

"Yea I do, and im gonna go fix it." I said, walking past her. I went up the stairs and saw Reki's room door and knocked.

"Go away Kokomi.. I dont want any onigiri right now.." I heard, faintly.

He sounds tired, like mega tired, like he hasn't slept in weeks.

I didn't know what to say to him but I had to let him know im not Kokomi.

I couldn't talk so I just opened his door. He was sat up against his closet door just staring at the ground.

"Kokomi, I said I didnt want anything so get-" He paused. He saw it wasn't his sister.

We just stared at each other for a really long time but it wasn't akward at all.

While we stared at each other, he got up and started to walk towards me. Soon after, he started to run.

When we collided, we both fell back into his bed. We both started to laugh but we we're also crying.

I haven't felt like this in days but it felt like months, or years.

Reki showered me in kisses, alot of them too. I laughed, due to embarrassment.

"I love you Reki." I said, smiling at him.

"I love you too y/n. I won't let you down ever again, I promise." He said, smiling back.

We did one last kiss before falling sound asleep together.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝❦︎

words: 1002

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