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Me and Reki are still walking home and we have no idea how long it'll take until we get back to the house. While we were walking, or I guess limping, I felt someone watching me for like the 10th time at night.

I got scared and told Reki. "Hey Reki" I said, trying to getting his attention. "Hm?" He said, turning his head to face me.

"I have a feeling someone is watching us or more of me then you" I say, looking around.

He starts to look around with me, he saw someone in the bush.

"Hey, I saw someone in that bush over there." I turn my head to look and see  where he was looking. We both kept staring at the bush waiting for the bush to move again or maybe someone pops out of it.

I felt hands on my waist but they weren't Reki's. I got pulled away from his arms. "What the hell?! Y/n!" Reki says

"Reki!" I scream out. I just see some guy holding Reki back while im getting dragged away by someone else. Everything went black all of a sudden.

My eyes immediately shot open and I started freaking out, wondering where I am. I realized that I was tied to a chair After a few seconds of struggling, the door opened and 2 people walked inside.

A blue haired guy with a weird ass outfit on and some mask that looks like you would wear to a masquerade ball.

And the same guy I saw with that black hat and green jacket but he was in a suit and he had black hair like that Miya kid.

"Hello y/n, my darling. Hows life?" The blue hair guy asked. My first instinct was

"How the hell do you know my name?!" He came closer to me and started to tap his shoes on the ground. This guys is super weird, where am I and wheres Reki?

"Y/n, my name is Adam. Pleasure to meet you." He bowed infront of me. "You look better in person than you do in a picture." He said.

"In picture?" I asked. "Yes, in picture." He said. "Did you take a picture of me, you fucking weirdo?!" I started getting mad at the fact he had a picture of me.

"I do, infact have a picture of you.." He said.

"Well how did yo-" He wasnt finished with his sentence.

"But it wasnt moi who took such a delightful picture, It was him, of course." He points to the other man in the room.

When I look at him, hes just staring at the ground. "Aren't you the guy who was spying on me a few weeks ago?" I ask.

"You dont need to know his name hes not important" Adam says. "Well what is your name you with the black hair?" I ask.

"I said you do not need to kn-" "Well I wanna know so shut the fuck up" I say. "Name?"

"Uhm.." He says.

"Just tell her your name, give her what she pleases" Adam says.

"My name is Tadashi.. Tadashi Kikichi." He says, bowing.

"Now that thats over with, Y/n dear." Adam says.

"Dont call me dear you smurf" I say.

"We have a tough one here Tadashi!"

Tadashi stayed quiet after that comment.

"Now that we have done introductions, your probably wondering why you are here." Adam says.

"Well yea and wheres Reki?" I say.

"You must mean the other boy that we bought here with you." He says.

𝑀𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑆𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦❤︎{𝑅𝑒𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚! 𝑆ℎ𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}Where stories live. Discover now