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It was Reki..

"Finally you let me in!" I say as I walk in. I turn around to face him. "Why didnt you answer my calls or messages?!" I say clearly mad. "I just did what you did to me" He said "Ok smartass" I said crossing my arms. "I could say the same for you" He says looking at me mad. "I was practicing on my skateboard you gave me a few days ago." He looked at me like I was joking. "Are you serious? If your gonna lie y/n, at least have proof." I looked at him confused. "Do you not see my skateboa-" I turn around and look at the door. My skateboard isnt there. "Oh I probably left it outside wait here"

I walk towards the door and open it. I stick my head out the door looking around for it. Its not there. I stick my head back in the house and close the door. I turn around looking at Reki. "Well?" He says crossing his arms. "Wheres your skateboard that you "supposedly" rode?" "I-i swear I had it with me the whole time!" I said with my hands up. Reki uncrosses his arms and his face turned into a sad one. "Y/n why are you lying to me? I thought we were friends?"

He said making eye contact with me. "Reki, you really think I would lie to you?! After everything we've done together?!" I say making eye contact aswell. "Well if you aren't lying then wheres your skateboard?! Cuz thats the only proof you actually have right?!" He said putting his hand in his sweater pockets. "Yes, it is the only proof I have but someone clearly stole my skateboard!" I say, facepalming.

"Well its not considered proof til I see it." He said still staring at me. Then something popped into my head. "I wouldnt consider this proof but when I was skateboarding." I took out a piece of paper from my pocket. "I found this on the ground after I fell and my skateboard landed in the bush." I said showing him. He took it from my hand and read it.

His expression had changed. It was like a shocked and scared expression together. He then stick the paper in his pocket. "No theres no way your doing this competition." I look at him confused. "Why not? It looks pretty fun." I say trying to get the paper from his pocket. He grabs my wrist and says "Because I said so." He pushed my wrist back towards me. "Your not my dad, you cant tell me what to do!" I said. "Well I am now, your not doing the competition."

He said turning around. "Can you at least tell me why I cant do it?" I said. He turned around looking at me again. "I guess I could tell you."

After him talking abt S bc I forget what its abt besides a skateboarding competition.

"Woah.." I say. "I know. Its pretty scary when you actually go up against someone." He said putting his hand on top of his head. "NO I MEAN THATS SO COOL!" I say. My eyes are probably glistening because of how much im amazed right now. I see Reki start to blush a lot but I dont realize it. "Wait WHAT? YOU SAID ITS COOL!?" He said a little loud which kinda hurted my ears but I was to focused on the amazement of 'S'.

"NO ITS SUPPOSED TO BE DANGEROUS, SUPER DANGEROUS!" He said exaggerating the 'dangerous'. I snap out of my amazed state. "Wait so your saying theres a possible chance I could die?" I said with a worried tone but in reality, I was kinda glad that I could probably die. "Yep so your not doing the competition." He said getting up off the couch. "Who said I didnt wanna live..?" I mumbled. "Huh?" He said looking at me. "H-huh? Oh nothing..!"

I said putting my hand around my neck. Reki knew something was up about me and I had a feeling he was gonna try to figure that out. "But Rekiiiiiiii" I said leaning on his shoulder. "I wanna do the competitionnnn pleaseee?" I said in a sad tone. "N-no your not doing the competition. Do you want to die?" Yes. No but I wanna do it anyways!"

I said in a confident tone. "Ok but all jokes aside y/n, you could actually die from this." He said looking at his shoulder. "I know but-" "No and thats my final answer." He said sounding annoyed. "Fine then." I said getting off his shoulder and running upstairs. I slam my door shut and jump onto my bed and shove my face into my pillow.

Reki's POV

Y/n asked me to tell her why she couldnt go to the 'S' competition so I told her and she said it seemed really cool. "Woah.." She said with a shocked looking face. I assumed she was scared and was gonna back down from the competition. But I was so wrong.. "NO I MEAN THATS SO COOL!" She said with excitement. She looked at me with her e/c eyes. I started blushing from how cute she looked.

I almost had a nose bleed but didnt fortunately. She might have noticed but didnt seem to at the same time. "Wait WHAT? YOU SAID ITS COOL!? I might have said that a little to loud because y/n's ears are apparently sensitive. Even after I told she could die multiple times, she didnt wanna give up. But I didnt give up either.

"But Rekiiiiiii" She said in a sad tone. She leaned on my shoulder and I kinda blush but it wasnt visible. "I wanna do the competitionnnn pleaseee?" She said. I started blushing more but I was more focused on y/n's safety than anything. "N-no your not doing the competition. Do you wanna die?" I said.

"No but I wanna do it anyways!" She said in a confident tone. "Ok but all jokes aside y/n, you could actually die from this." I said looking at my shoulder which is where y/n's face is. I said it in a serious tone of voice. I was fed up with her decision. I know its her choice, but im just looking out for her safety.

"I know but-" "No and thats my final answer." I said to her. I was really annoyed but I get what shes coming from. 'S' does seem like a fun and happy and friendly competition but thats the opposite of what it is. "Fine then." She said before runnibg up to her room and slamming the door shut.

I feel like a terrible person but I dont wanna lose a friend.. a best friend.. maybe even more than a friend..

Y/n's POV

Its probably 2 in the morning and I wake up after having another terrible dream. Its just like last night just.. no Reki in my room to comfort me.. I sit up in my bed holding my head because it feels like I have a massive headache. I get up and walk towards my door. I open it and look around just incase. I walk out and go to the guest room that Reki's sleeping in.

I open the door but this time I fully go in. I want to do the competition and I will do it. Even if its does kill me which doesn't matter to me anymore. If I die, I die. I look everywhere for the paper but realized ive been looking in the wrong places.

Its in Reki's pants pocket.

I sigh after realizing because I feel like an idiot right now. I just hope he doesnt wake up. I take the covers off of Reki as slow as possible. I see the pants pocket he put the paper in and I go to reach for it. But then of course, Reki starts moving. I quickly but quietly backed away from the bed.

He finally stopped moving so now I can get the paper. I reach for the paper and I get the paper. "Yes..!" I say under my breath. I slowly get the paper from his pocket and it was successful. I run to the door quietly. I open the door slowly and get out. "Yes I got it!" I said waving my hands in the air excitedly.

I open my room door fast and run in to place the paper under some books I dont read but have. I close my door and go back to bed but im to excited to so, it took me a while to actually fall asleep but I did anyway.

(Half of this came straight outta my mind so yea)

words: 1476

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