𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚛۞

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Afer that race, you had passed out. You were in the hospital. Your eyes fluttered open and you see a doctor next to you checking the computer thing that are next to hospital beds all the time. (idk what they called)

"Ah, Ms. L/n, your awake" He says. "How do you feel?" He asks.

I sit there silently, looking at where I am and finally realized im in the hospital and then remember the doctors question.

"Oh uhm.. I feel fine, I guess." I answered.

"Well thats good, you do seemed to be alright at the moment." He said. "Do you remember anything before you were here?"

"Uhh.." I said. "Yea I was in a.. a skating race and I fell I think..?" I said, unsure.

"Thats part of what your boyfriend told us so I assume thats correct." He said. "You were in a small coma for a week and mildly broke your arm."

"A WEEK?!" I said loudly. "Uh yes, a week. Calm down Ms. L/n." He said. "Sorry" I said.

"Also, you said my boyfriend is here?" I asked.

"Yes he is and so is some of his friends, do you want to see them?" He said.

"Yea" I said.

"Ok, ill go get them, wait here patiently Ms. L/n." He said, before leaving the room.

I waited patiently and also thought about what happened before I went into my coma.

Oh right, I was racing Adam and I got frightened, tripped, and well according to the doctor, broke my arm.

While im in my thoughts, someone burst into the room.

"Y/n, are you ok?!" Reki said, walking up to me with a worried expression.

I laugh. "Im fine Reki." I say to him. "Really?" You just woke up from a coma that lasted a week and your in a hospital bed right now with a broken arm, you call that ok?!" He said, fastly.

"Yea pretty much." I say, before laughing.

"This is funny y/n! This is serious!" Reki said, sounding sad.

My smile turned into a frown. "Sorry, just tryna lighten the mood.." I said, looking down at mine and Reki's hands.

He rubs his thumb over my fingers. "No, im sorry, you were just trying to make us laugh and I couldn't take the joke." He said, looking at me. I was still looking at our hands.

"Hey slime boy, we're still here." Miya said. Reki looked at him with an annoyed face and growled.

"Shut up Miya." Reki said. Miya stuck his tongue out at him and Reki did it back. I laughed at both their actions.

"Stop it" Cherry said. "Your both are acting like 5-year olds."

They both stopped and just glared at each other for a few seconds.

I laughed again but this time, a little louder than before.

The doctor came into the room and told us that I'd have to stay for a few more days so they can run more tests to see if ill be ok when I get out.

"We'll be out in a minute." Cherry said. "Alright, but please be quick" The doctor said before walking out the room. "Get out." Everyone looked at Cherry confused, even me. "Huh?" Joe said.

"I said get out." He said. "Meaning Miya, Langa, Reki, and the overgrown gorilla." He pointed at the door.

"Well your a douche." Joe says. "Dimwit." Cherry says, walking out the door.

"Imbecile." Joe said, as he walked out the door following behind Cherry. "Idiot." I faintly heard Cherry say.

"Later y/n, feel better." Miya said, following Joe.

"Bye y/n, feel better." Langa said, following Miya.

Reki looked back at me making eye contact. I stared back.

"Get better soon, ok?" He said, making a tiny smile on his face.

"Yea, sure." I say, smiling back. He lets go of my hand and walks to the door. He waves at me and I wave back as he shuts the door.

I take my eyes off the door to the light on the ceiling. I sigh and fall back into the pillow and just think.

Like how my life was before Reki and Langa. Before a relationship. Before getting friends. It was terrible. But now, its something I never thought would've happen to someone like me.

~𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑~

Me and Reki walked out of the hospital holding hands. Only he came to pick me up this time, the others probably had something to do or just didnt want to come back, which is fine to me.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" I asked Reki. He looked at me with sparkles in his eyes and gasped loudly. "YES YES YES" He said.

His hands were in the air and he was running around. I laughed at him and we started walking to the ice cream parlor.

We got there and Reki held the door ooen for me. I smiled at him and went "Thank you." "You're welcome." He said back.

We went to the counter to order our ice creams.

There was a person behind the counter but it looked like they were doing something so we waited.

After they were done, they turned towards us. They looked at me then Reki and started staring at him kinda.

I looked at him and he was clearly uncomfortable. I sighed hard and tried to distract them both about what just happened.

"Heyyy, yea hello can we get some ice cream?" I said, moving infront of Reki to distract her.

She stopped looking at him and looked at me and her face immediately changed from a falling in love face to a disgusted look. Her face made me realize what I was doing. She kept staring at me like I did something to her and that made me uncomfortable aswell.

"Uh-h.. C-can we get 2 ice creams? 1 chocolate and 1.." Reki said, waiting for me to finish his sentence.

"O-oh uhm.. (fav ice cream). She kept looking at me and finally turned around to do what she was supposed to do. Reki pulled me over to a booth and we sat down across from each other.

"That was akward.." Reki said. "U-uh yea.." I said, stuttering. I think Reki realized I was nervous because of the stuttering I did.

He held both my hands softly. I got surprised by the sudden touch and looked up at him. He was looking at me with a cute smile. I slightly laughed and smiled back.

Our ice creams had finally came. I looked up at the person to say thank you and saw it was the same girl from before. "Here ya go! One chocolate ice cream!" She said, all happily.

I realized that she only brought one ice cream. After what she did, she made me somewhat nervous to be around, but I did wanted my ice cream so I asked her. "Uhm.. wheres mine..?" I asked.

Her cheerful face went into a angry kind of face. "We're out of whatever ice cream you ordered, so stfu bitch!" She said, getting closer to my face.

What was her problem with me? I didnt do anything to her. My heart slightly dropped when she raised her voice. I dont like when people raise their voices at me. Especially because I have sensitive hearing.

"Leave her alone." Someone said. Me and that girl, she had a name tag on and it said "Miroku." We both looked at who said that.

It was Langa?

words: 1289

this chapter sucks. also the next chapter is called new girl. for some reason, the last 2 got switched so just go to the last chapter then the one after this one.

𝑀𝑦 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑆𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦❤︎{𝑅𝑒𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚! 𝑆ℎ𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}Where stories live. Discover now