𝚀𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎☕︎

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Its been about a week since that argument but Reki acted like it didnt even happen, and I think about it from time to time but then I remember all the fun times we had before and after that so, it sometime cheers me up.

But ever since that, we've spent more and more time together and gotten to know each other a little more.

We decided to make some cupcakes today just to have fun and to bake.

"Reki, can you pass me a bowl to put this batter in?" I say. "You cant do it yourself?" He says, in a whiny voice.

"I can but im making the cupcakes so." I say  "Plus you have to do something in this process right? Like getting me a bowl or there wont be a single cupcake in your stomach."

He sighs. "Fine.." He says, getting a bowl from the top cabinet. "Thanks" I say with a smile. I see him roll his eyes and look back at his phone.

As im mixing the batter, I saw a finger go in the batter than head for my nose. Reki then starts laughing at me. My eye twitched a little and I said "You know, I could pour this entire bowl of batter on you but I wont cuz it took a LONG time to make this." I continued to mix the batter.

"You wouldnt dare." He said, raising his brow in confidence.

"Oh? Wanna bet?" I say, giving him a determined glare.

"Uhm.. you know, I have to uhm... change.. my clothes!" He says, before sprinting upstairs.

"But you dont have clo-" He was already gone before I could finish what I was saying. I roll my eyes and wait for the cupcakes to finish.

After a while, the cupcakes are done but Reki still hasn't come back downstairs.

"Reki, the cupcakes are done!" I yell out.

After a few seconds, he didnt answer back or come downstairs. I called him again but still, no answer.

I sighed and went upstairs. He said he was going to the bathroom which, was obviously a lie, but I saw my room door slightly open. I look through the crack in the door and I see Reki.

He looks like hes reading something. I push the door open a little more to see what hes looking at.

Hes reading some sort of book. But unless he took one of the books on my desk, I have no idea what hes reading.

I doubt hes reading a book though. 'Reki reading a book' dont go in the same sentence. A pretty rare thing.

I look closer and realize that hes reading my diary. My eyes widen and I immediately push the fling the door open and close my book.

"Reki why are you in my room?!" He's looking at me with a sad expression. Like he just got a call a family member of his died or something. "What? You look like you I broke up with or something." I say, trying to lighten the mood kind of.

I know he knows that I know what hes making that face for. (THAT CONFUSION-)

He hugs me after a few seconds of silence. "Y/n, I told you not to let them get to your head" He says.

I jumped when he hugged me. I got surprised by it. I hugged him back after a bit, a few tears came out from my eyes.

"Look." He says before pulling away from the hug and looking at me directly. "Remember a week ago? at the 'S' competition?" He says. I hesitantly nod.

"Remember when I said you were the only person I cared about? Even more than my friends and family?" He says.

I nod again. He takes my hand and puts it in his left and puts his right hand over mine. "I meant it then, I mean it now, and I'll mean it in the future." He says smiling at me.

"Never thought you had a way with words Reki!" I say, before laughing at him.

He flicks me on my forehead. "Oww!" I whined in pain. "What was that for?!" I asked. "For laughing!" He said, still mad.

"But It was funny!" I said.

"It wasnt that funny." He said, standing up off my bed looking sorta mad.

He held his hand out for me and I took it.

He drags me out my room and down the stairs. That reminded me about the cupcakes we had.

"Oh that reminds me about th-" "Cupcakes?" He says, finishing my sentence.

We each took a cupcake and ate them. I didnt even get to each a cupcake since they kept getting shoved in my face everytime I tried to eat one.

When he did it again for probably the 10th time, that was the last straw. I chased him around the house for about 10 minutes.

I caught up to him and we basically became wrestlers that night.

After wrestling, we went to the skatepark because Reki wanted to me to train for the next 'S' competition.

Even though he cares about my safety, he was fine with my decision I made that week.

He was trying to impress me by flipping on the big ramp in the park. He surprisingly, landed it perfectly.

I get amazed easily and that was one of the best thing ive ever seen after I qiit skateboarding. I havent seen big and cool moves ever since then.

I wanted to try and copy what he did, I wasnt confident but I wanted to at least try.

As I went up the ramp and flew into the air with my skateboard. I did the flip but I couldn't keep my balance going back down and fell down the ramp.

I might have sprained my leg when I hit the ramp. Reki came running over to me and said

"Y/n are you okay?!" He sounded really worried. I mean, it probably looked like bad from Reki's point of view.

"Yes im fine, I landed on the ramp instead of my skateboard so I'd say im just peachy" I say, sarcastically.

"Cmon lets go back to your house" He says, helping me up. I sigh. I got kinda cocky but I wasnt confident so thats my excuse for my fall.

The skatepark is like 30 minutes from by house by foot but since we took skateboard there it was much faster. But then I also was limping so it made the trip home longer than usual.

"I never imagined doing this in my entire life" Reki says. I chuckle "Yea I never imagined this either. If anything, Id think it would be more romantic than this." I say.

"How is your boyfriend carrying you, the person who has an injured leg at 11 at night romantic?" He asked. "I dont know but it could be." I said.

"And how is that exactly?" He asked.

"Hey I dont know everything so, stop asking me questions!" I say, looking away.

He rolled his eyes and we continued walking.

                        To Be Continued

words: 1189

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