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Next morning

Its the next day and I felt someone pinching me again. This time, the pinches were way harder than yesterday morning. I shot my hand up and hit someones face. "Hey!" The voice said. I turn and look up and see Reki holding his face. "Moral of this, never pinch me awake" I said, grinning at him.

"Whatever, we have school, go get dressed." He says. "Right." I say. I run up the stairs to my room and get dressed. After I finish, Iq grab my phone and backpack and run downstairs. I see Reki leaning on the door frame with his arms and his left leg across his right one. "What took you so long jeez?" He said blankly. "Shut up, it wasnt even that long. Let's go, we're gonna be late." I say as we walk out the door. "Yea because of you.." He said under his breath, but I heard him loud and clear but didnt say anything.

At school

We get to the school and we are maybe 7 mqqqinutes late. "You shouldnt have stopped at the store, I told we were gonna be late dumbass." I said speedwalking. "Whatever, its mainly because of you." He said, following behind me. I roll my eyes as we are walking to the classroom. I open the door to the classroom and everyone suddenly looked at the door. "Why are you two late?" The teacher asked crossing his arms. "Uhhh.." I didnt expect the teacher to ask that so I had no idea what to say.

"My.." I said, not knowing what to say next. "House key was lost! Her house key was lost so we had to find it so she could lock the door hehe..!" Reki said nervously while putting his hand on the back of his head.

"Mmh.. ok, just sit." The teacher says pointing to our seats. We sit down. I put my notebook on my desk to jot down notes that are on the board.

Maybe 10 minutes after we got to class, A paper ball hits my head and then the floor. 'sweet, another note.." I thought. I picked it up and hesitantly opened it. As I read the words, I felt sad inside.

'Useless, not good enough, bitch, fatass, lazy, worthless, nerd, dumbass, stupid, just go die.' I look at where the paper ball came from. Its from some girl ive never seen before. She might be new but ive never noticed her before, she just randomly started picking on me I guess cuz I kinda look like an easy target to be honest.

I throw the paper on the floor next to me. Im writing down about what the teacher is saying and that same girl who threw the paper at me got up and grabbed the paper slowly and went back to her seat.

About 10 seconds later, shes raises her hand. I look at her face and she looks like shes been crying? I dont know but I hate what she said when the teacher called on her. "Teacher, y/n is throwing disrespectful notes to me." She says. I stop my writing and look at her in disbelief. "Y/n you have detention after school" The teacher says.

My head shot straight to the teacher and I go "What?! I didnt throw anything at you." I say. "Stop lying!" She starts fake crying and shockingly, its actually good so, the teacher believed her. "detention after school Y/n." He says, in a stern voice

I growl in a low voice. I glare at her and she does a little wave at me and continues texting whoever on her phone.

Reki's POV
(this was after the class you guys were in)

Im walking down the hall to my next class, suddenly, I trip over something and fall straight to the ground. I hold my head while groaning. I look to see what I tripped over but I dont see anything. 'Did I seriously just trip over nothing?' As im about to get up, I see someone standing infront of me. It was Nuoah

"Oops, your bad. Guess you should look where your going dumbass!" He says, before laughing. After that, he starts walking away. "bitch.." I say, under my breath. I pick my stuff up and walk to class looking pissed.

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