🗯️12: Volturi🗯️

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The next day morning Bella woke up in a hotel with a start. Then she remembered what happened the day before. The Volturi is here for her. She didn't understand their mind set. She was just a human and no one would believe her even if she said that vampires were real. She can do no harm to anyone. It was the wolves who killed Victoria and her pets. So, it couldn't have caused any suspicion. And she knew there were people who were shields just like her, it wasn't a rare gift if there was information on it.

Then why are they hell bent on capturing her? She can think of that later. Now it was time to get as far away from here as she can. Well, what she didn't know was that, no, it wasn't a common gift. She was both a physical and mental shield. But, then again, the Volturi didn't know she had both shields either.

She was out of the hotel and on a bike in fifteen minutes and out of the town in twenty. It was while she was crossing the forest to reach the next town that she noticed something odd. She had a feeling, she was being followed. She knew she was caught. She knew the guards the Volturi sent found her.

The next minute she could see them standing in the middle of the road in front of her. she hit the breaks. It was no use trying to run from vampires after they spotted her and it was no use trying to hit them as they would just brush it off.

"Isabella Swan, we have been searching for you for a while. And don't deny, we know you are Isabella." She heard a very young girl's voice from under the cloak. Bella shrugged. She wasn't going to deny. It would be pretty stupid.

"I have been around. I like travelling. What do you want with me?" She asked.

"You are a human with the knowledge of vampires. You are either to be turned or killed. You will be presented to our Kings for judgement." the man answered and they dropped their hoods.

She was a blond. She was young. He was a red head. They both had smiles on their faces. His looked like he was looking at a curious pet, an interested, puzzled little smile. But the smile on her face gave Bella a chill down her spine. She had the sweetest smile on her young face. That smile was anything but sweet, cute or innocent. Her eyes were filled with malice, violence and fury.

She either has to distract them to run far far away from them or deal with them. Bella stood a little taller at the thought.

"What will I do? Will anyone believe me if I tell them vampires are real? I will be labelled as crazy and thrown in a psych ward."

"Our orders were to capture you alive and present you to the Kings." He answered. He was humoring her. He could take her away anytime but he was answering because he found this amusing. "You see, Aro is very much interested in you. Your curious little ability to hide from me, a tracker."

"Pain." The child vamp said and glared at Bella. It looks like she was impatient. Bella was waiting for something to happen. She shrugged when nothing happened and looked at her as if she was crazy.

The girl got enraged out of the blue. She ran at Bella at vampire speed. In the blink of an eye, she was in front of Bella and punched her in her stomach. Bella flew away from her bike and landed on the ground a good distance away.

"What the hell?" Bella exclaimed and coughed up blood.

"We are to take her alive, Jane." The male vamp warned her.

"It doesn't mean she has to be healthy. She has to be barely alive to be presented to Aro." Jane answered arrogantly.

"Jane." There was warning in his tone when he said her name. she turned and glared at him, at which he flinched away from her.

"Relax Dimitri. She is a puny little human. I said she will be alive to meet Aro, then, she will be alive."

Bella took this time to slowly wrap Jane in her physical shield turning it into a bubble. She was not getting her ass kicked. She was sure as fuck not getting captured either. If it means having to kill these vamps, then so be it.

"You see, Jane, it is never good to under estimate anyone." She said as she slowly climbed to her feet. She stopped coughing blood and was strong enough to stand. "Even if it only a puny little human."

She squeezed her shield and made it smaller and smaller. Maybe it was her luck, as vampires didn't need air to breath, Jane didn't notice as a bubble was being formed around her. Bella had left a little gap in her own shield enough for air flow but not enough for her scent to leak out. The bubble became smaller and smaller and Jane was being crushed by the pressure on all sides. As soon as she was in pieces, Bella lighted a match and threw it on her. Vampires caught fire easily.

She looked up and saw Dimitri standing shocked as he looked at her. He came back to his senses as he saw Jane's burning body. He was in front of her in the blink of a eye. He kicked her legs from under her. She fell to the ground hard. He was about to break her wrist when she suddenly flicked it.

There was a bubble around him. The time she was burning Jane and he was standing there looking like an idiot in shock, she formed a bubble around him as well. When he kicked her legs, she took that time to strengthen it and then make it solid.

"This is not possible. You should not recover so fast from either Jane's punch or my kick." He said and tried to move, but he couldn't.

"Well, I should not be able to control my physical shield either, but I can." She said with a shrug. "What does it matter to you? You are about to die anyway." He met the same fate as Jane.

Bella actually never imagined that it would go this smoothly. She thought she would sustain many more injuries. She thought it would be much more harder. It was a human against two vampires, so she expected injuries.

Well, she did have small internal injuries from Jane's punch, as Dimitri said. But they seemed to have gotten better already. She was also dead tired from using her gifts. But it was better than it was in the beginning.

After she was sure that both the vampires were nothing but ashes, Bella got back on her bike and went on her merry way.

Once she was in town, she made a call. It went into voice mail.

"Jake, listen to me very carefully. Our calls are being tapped. They found me in Nevada. I am running again. I won't contact you until I am safe again. I won't contact you until it is safe for everyone. You are not a part of this and I don't want you to suffer because of me. Be safe."

After the call, she bought multiple contact lenses, changed her eye color. She dyed her hair dirty blond. At least they can't identify her through her physical features anymore.

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