🗯️19: The Change (2)🗯️

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Peter and Char left Bella and Jasper to spend sometime alone and travel around for a bit while they still can and also gather allies if possible. Everyone knew that Aro would not just let Bella be after she killed one too many of his guard. They also wanted to give Bella and Jasper privacy. Bella would be turned so that her human and vampire birthday would be on the same day. So, Peter and Char decided to come back a week or so after Bella woke up, so that she could get accustomed to her new life and have time to get closer to Jasper and enjoy some couple time.

There was a lot of sexual tension between the couple as it is. They were waiting for the day of her turning as Jasper didn't want her to be in pain twice and also he knew he would bite her to show she was his and vice versa.

The last few days as a human, Bella and Jasper spent doing everything Bella wanted to do and had to break apart one too many times not to go too far in their making out. Bella would share some stories about how she killed the Volturi guard or the bounty hunters who took the job to kill her at these times to reduce the tension. Jasper had to keep reminding himself that she was in front of him, she was the victor, she was alive and the others were dead.

The day Bella was to turn, three days before her birthday, Jasper made special arrangements to surprise her and give a beautiful memory to take into her vampire life.

She woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes and a missing Jasper in bed. She opened her eyes and Jasper was there with a plate of pancakes, fresh orange juice and what she was sure a donut with overloaded sugar content. She had breakfast in bed.

"We have so much to do, Bella, come on." He encouraged her to get out of bed. She got ready and walked into the living room. They got in the car and he drove them to a destination refused to divulge.

"We are at an amusement park..? Why?" She asked.

"You can't be around humans for a while after you turn and this will be fun, come on." He pulled her out gently. She had fun, she had lots of junk food around the place.

They drove back to their house around night. As one last surprise he arranged a dinner under the stars. They laid on the blanket he put down the picnic basket on after she had a light dinner.

They didn't know who made the first move, both of them will deny it for the rest of their eternal lives, pointing the other as the first to break, but they were kissing before they knew it. It was quite an advantage to be a vampire sometimes.., most of the time. They were out of their clothes, torn and strewn across the forest floor in the blink of an eye.

(I am not going to continue. Up to your imagination.)


Jasper carried Bella in his arms as she was turning. He cleaned her up, dressed her and laid her on the bed. Bella didn't make a single sound of noise from the moment he bit her. And Jasper knew it took a lot of restrain to keep from screaming when he knew how much it was hurting her. He sat with her for three days and kept talking to her as she went through the change.

"I remember the first time we met, Isabella. I was standing behind Alice, everyone was afraid I had no control and that I would hurt you.." He kept talking and she was able to hear everything he told her. He told her some of his memories from his human life, some memories she shared about her childhood, talked about all the beautiful moments they shared together since they again after these three years.

Three days later, she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Jasper sitting beside her on her bed and looking at her. She knew it was safe beside him, but her instincts were screaming at her and in the blink of an eye, she was across the room, her back to a wall, as far away from Jasper as possible.

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