🗯️13: Acquaintance🗯️

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"Violet, service at table 4." She got informed as soon as she entered the bar. She just arrived for her shift and changed into her uniform. The bar she worked in, in the town was one of the busiest ones around. She has to say, this one was ten times more better than some of the bars she worked in in the past three years. She got paid well for all the trouble she has working here too unlike in some other places.

She took a deep breath and she was ready for the day. She would do her job, get some food and some very well deserved sleep if she can. She took a pen and pad from Jess and walked to the table she was told to go to.

"What can I get you?" She asked. When she got no answer for a while, she looked up. She was shocked. There sat in all glory, Jasper Hale and he had companions. There were a man and a woman she didn't know with him. She recovered soon. But it seems Jasper didn't. He was still in a daze.

"What can I get you?" She asked again. The woman gave the order. In the night, under the dim lights of the bar, the vampires looked even more beautiful than they were in the morning. But then again vampires are night creatures. They are more enchanting in their territory.

She couldn't do it though she pretended everything was okay as she took the orders. She asked Jess to exchange tables and Jess was glad to do it. She had at least one single male she can drool after if she got Violet's table.

Violet pushed it to the back of her mind and worked her shift as she did every day. There were some who misbehaved, as always. She took care of them and threw them out personally, as always. She was glad when she finished her shift at dawn. She just hoped to eat and sleep now. She put on her jacket and walked out of the workers exit.

There in the dimly lot street stood Jasper and his two companions. She thought he would keep his distance. She thought he would approach her. She thought he wouldn't talk to her or acknowledge her. She thought he would talk to her as he used to. She was confused. She didn't know what to think or what to hope for. She just wished she didn't hope. Stupid think. It was dangerous, hope. It can get you killed. It almost did too. She thought many things. Nothing she thought mattered. She knew they would talk. He was after all, waiting for her.

"Hello, Bella." He said. She noticed something that slipped past her in the bar. He had red eyes. Actually, they were a mix between gold and red. His friends though had very vivid red eyes. Missing something as visible as eye color? This never happened before. They just fed. 

She shrugged mentally. She learnt a long time ago that she could not save everyone. It was a painful lesson. She wasn't God. She would help whom she can. She was on the run cause she couldn't protect even herself.

Why and how would she help and protect everyone else? It was just nature's hierarchy anyway. Human eat meat, vampires eat humans. She didn't agree. But she knew and understood the logic behind it.

"Or is it Violet now?" He asked mockingly. Why does it matter what she was called?

Bella pulled out a cigarette out of her pocket and lighted it. She started walking as she smoked.

"Jasper." She simply called out his name. "How did you recognize me?" She was curious. She was a blue eyed blond this time. Her hair was cut short to reach her upper back. It was a convenient length to pull into a pony tail when she got into a fight. She developed muscles, she walked confidently, she didn't trip anymore. She wasn't anything like the old Bella he knew.

"Your voice." He answered. She simply nodded. It wasn't like she could get a surgery for that. It was true that she may sound the same.

"Won't you introduce us Jasper?" The woman asked. They kept walking slowly following Bella.

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