I'll Come Back

323 16 1

- 2010 -

Tony and Loki have never been so happy before.

In their time together, they had managed to accommodate their relationship in between Asgard, Stark Industries, and their friends.

Usually, when Tony had to go on a business trip, Loki would return to his planet. When Loki had to attend his princely duties, Tony caught up with his work. Rhodey, Pepper, and Happy were around whenever they could, but they also gave them space to be alone and explore their new status.

"J, give me an exploded view"

It was morning and they were both at the workshop. The genius was working on an engine while the god of mischief watched him from the table where he was sitting.

"The compression in cylinder three appears to be low"

"Log that"

Loki looked at the time on his StarkPhone. Yeah, now he had one of those, because ' You can't go out with me and not have one. How am I supposed to text you while I'm in boring meetings?'

"You are going to be late again and Pepper is going to kill me"

"Nah, in any case it's me she is going to murder"

"You know today it's her birthday, right?"

"Today? Really?", Loki glared at him. "Yes, I knew that. Did we buy her something nice?"

"Of course, I am not a forgetful idiot like someone"


Tony finished what he was doing and turned to look at his boyfriend.

"Do you really have to go?" He asked, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Yeah. I'm the one who has to give the demonstration, nobody understands it better than the one who invented the weapons," he smirked. "Why? What's wrong?"

"James explained where you are going to go. He said it was a war zone."

Understanding what was happening, Tony approached where his boyfriend was and stood in the space between his legs. With both hands, he gently took his face and looked directly into his perfect green eyes.

"I'll be fine. You almost sound like my Uncle Nick, he called today asking me to be careful. Seriously. I do these things all the time. You don't have to worry," Loki leaned into the touch.

"I always worry. You are a human, if there is a single mistake with a weapon you can ..."

"Hey, hey, look at me. I'm gonna be fine. And if not, I have your magic necklace of luck. You can be by my side in minutes."

"Alright", says the god breathing calmer. "Just promise me that you will come back in one piece"

"I promise"

"And that you are going to apologize to James for making him wait"

Tony laughs, "That too."

He presses a short kiss to Loki's lips and plays with his soft dark locks. The other man's hands on his chest make the stupid butterflies appear on his stomach.

"Anthony Edward Stark! You better be ready to go or so help me god I'm gonna-"

Pepper's voice interrupts their moment and makes both of them laugh. They break the kiss and remain leaning on each other's forehead.

"I should go before the lady with the red hair rips my head off."

"I should go too. Mother wants to discuss something with me."

With one last kiss, they separate and before each one goes his own way, Tony makes sure to repeat his promise.

"I'll come back, Lokes. I always do"

"You better. Or I will personally kick your ass"

"What's wrong with you?" Asks Rhodey angrily.

"I know. I'm sorry. I truly am"

"Three hours man, three"

"I still think that, being my plane and all, it shouldn't be a problem to begin with, I mean-", his friend is not amused. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry"

"Loki told you to apologize, didn't he?"

"What? Why would you think he- yeah he totally did"

"Are you ever going to tell me who the person you are in love with is?"

Loki almost choked on the tea he was drinking.

"What makes you think that I am in love with someone? Better, what makes you think that there is someone, period"

"I am your mother. I know you. You have been disappearing regularly for a long time. Heimdall cannot see you, which means you are hiding where you are going. You look happier, you speak differently. You do not get in so much trouble anymore and there is a glow to your eyes that I have not seen for decades ", he blushed.

"I do not know whether to tell you or not. If the Allfather finds out, he will prevent me from seeing him again."

His mother looks at him with a soft smile, "Him?"

"Promise me that you will not inform Odin what I am going to tell you", she nods.

"Inform Odin about what?", Loki relaxed.

"His name is Anthony, and he is from Midgard"

"What's going on?"

"Contact left!"

"Jimmy, stay with Stark!"

"Stay down!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Give me a gun!"

"Stay here!"

Everything happened in a matter of minutes. The humvee was attacked, the soldiers tried to fight back and Tony got out of the car only to realize that he was alone and without a way to defend himself.

Quickly, shaking, he searched around his neck for the necklace Loki had given him. Seeing that it was stuck under the bulletproof vest, he decided to rip it off.

A missile with 'Stark Industries' written on the side detonated before Tony could move away.

He was bleeding. A lot. But with the last of his strength, he looked around until he saw the familiar chain laying beside him. He took it weakly and only managed to drop a low 'Loki' before passing out.

Stab over here. Throw daggers over there. Dodge. Distract with an illusion. Fight back. Fight harder.

Loki was already tired. He, Thor, the warriors three, and Sif were fighting a group of Chitauri trying to enter Asgard. They weren't very intelligent creatures, but their armor and weapons made killing them slower.

Dodge. Stab. Throw dagger. Throw some more. "Loki" Dodg- What?

That was all it took. A second in which the whisper of his lover distracted him and there was a sword piercing him through the stomach.


When the chitauri removed the sword, he twisted it. Loki could feel the blood flow rapidly, the pain was piercing, but the concern for his boyfriend was much more important.

His breathing rose and his vision blurred. He felt his brother hold him and yell something at Fandral. Honestly, he didn't really know what was going on. He only knew one thing, and he muttered it repeatedly before losing consciousness, confusing everyone.

"He needs me"

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