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I'm only 18 years old, not old enough to be a guardian for two little girls, and definitely not old enough to take on being an alpha of a whole pack. What I mean to say is that it's not fair, but then again when is life ever fair to me? I haven't found my mate yet, my parents died, I have to take care of my little, not even 6 years old yet, twin sisters that don't even get to grow up in a loving family, with two parents, like I got the privilege to have.

To top it all off though is that I am going to be the youngest female Alpha ever, and to be honest I am on the verge of insanity. I should have found my mate by now, since I'm 18, most females find their mates by 14-16, which is right around the time we shift into our wolves. Males find them between the ages of 16-18, which is highly unfair.

As of right now, I am officially alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, which sucks because as I have said, youngest ever female alpha here! Other than me, there only been 2 female alphas through-ought the Whole Lycan history, one of which had gone insane due to losing her mate. There is one other female alpha that is still on duty, Estella Hazelmere, weird name? I know, I've met her a few time before my parents...Um died. She was Rude, Snooty, and downright obnoxious, and acted as though she was above everyone.

The short time she stayed here her suitcase was knocked over by our maid, Amerella, and she flipped out screaming and yelling in her alpha voice making even me flinch, she wasn't even my alpha. Eventually, she calmed down and told Amerella, who was sobbing hysterically to "grow up!" So, that's why I'm scared of being an alpha I'm scared I might end up like them Insane, Obnoxious, Superficial, or cruel and merciless. I don't want to hurt anyone, much-less have no mercy.

I'm scared of many things one for example, I might not be good enough to take care of my sisters, or they might end up hating me. Or that i'm scared I may never find my mate, that I may never find the one thing I've been yearning, longing for, True Love. Even worse I'll find Him and he will do the worst thing imaginable, reject me.


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