Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After 34 minutes of driving we finally made it to the floating restaurant. The girls clapped happily and struggled trying to get out of their seats.

"Wait! I'm coming! I'm coming!" I got out of the car chuckling, and quickly got over to the side of their car seats. I unbuckled Jacqueline and let her down, then I went over to the other side of the car and unbuckled Jacquelyn and let her down. They started running to the restaurant.

"Guys! Wait for me! Wait! Be careful I don't want you to fall into the water!" I yelled for them, running after them onto the bridge that brings you to the floating restaurant on the Ohio River.

"Wait! Guys." I said defeated. I walked into the seafood restaurant, and looked around for the girls. Irene, the owner of the restaurant, is talking to the girls trying to keep them occupied. I jog up to her, my hair flying everywhere.

"Hey Irene, sorry about them." I say shamefully, scratching behind my neck. I pull the girls towards me, and bend down. "You guys were supposed to listen to me. I said 'wait' how many times. That bridge is very dangerous for you guys, if you would've fell, you guys can't swim yet, and I might have not been able to get to you in time. You can't be running away from me like that, okay?" Jacqueline has tears in her eyes. Crap! Now I feel bad about it. Jacquelyn on the other hand hugs me tightly, Jacqueline following soon after.

"We're sorry." They mumbled into my shirt their tears decorating my shirt. I smiled and hugged them back standing back up to my original height. 

"Okay then, let's get some food! Irene, can we just go to our regular table then?" I look at her expectantly and she nods at me goes into the back to get our menus as she hands them to the girls she tells me she will be back to get our orders. We come here fairly often, the 3 of us, taking both of their hands I lead them up to our usual table which is outside of the restaurant on the top floor, it looks like a very large porch.

"Ana, can I sit by you?" Jacquelyn puts her puppy dog face on. Jacqueline following after her by a minute older sister.

They do that way too much.

"You both can." I shrug and let her drag her chair over by me, moving the other one next to me away. 

"But I want that chair!" Jacqueline points to the one that Jacquelyn is sitting on happily. 

"No. That's Jacquelyn chair. You can sit on this ch-" Jacqueline stomps her foot in anger "But" I put her in the seat left. "No buts, you can't just take her seat. be fair." Jacqueline sits down but folds her arms together and puts. Irene comes up the stairs to the outside with coloring books and 10 crayons for each girl. Once reaching our table she puts them down in front of the girls they each immediately turn to the pages they want.

"You already know my order,but I still don't know why you still feel the need to give these to me."  I say handing her back the menu. She nods jotting down my usual order. She looks at the girls.

"Girls do you know what you want?" She asks them. They both look up at me and look on the back of the menu for the children menu each saying what they want, but jumbling it up. "One at a time Jacquelyn first." Jacqueline pouts at me, but lets her go anyway, putting her attention back to coloring a picture of a dog blue.

"I want the mac'n'cheese! Oh, and a sundae. I want a chicken sandwich too! That's all." Irene chuckles and jots it down.

"My turn!!" Jacqueline excitedly yells. "Fishy sticks! And a sundae! And-and-and lot's of ketchup." I chuckle. Irene writes Jacqui's order down also.

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