Chapter 18

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Hey, It's been a long time...Sorry...Been focused on so many things, and I'm sure many of you stopped reading. Once again I'm sorry. I tried really hard on this one guys.



Finally, I make it back to what's left of the camp. Meaning barely anything. The place is torn to shreds, bodies from both sides of this war fallen to the ground dead or very close. Some on the brink of death. The weirdest part about all of this is that I don't feel any sort of sympathy for them not even a bit of sadness, like I don't even care about them. I sit on the ground next to a dead witch and a young werewolf who hasn't even shifted yet.

"Why? Why start a war that only will end in heartbreak? I guess not for your side, only mine. Did you actually even care in the slightest or was it all fake? When you showed me weakness were you actually weak? When you talked about your father in such disgust was it actually disgust? Or are you proud that he killed all those people and made you do the same? Did he actually make you addicted to killing, now that I think about it that sounds really unrealistic and improbable. How did I not see past all of your lies before?! How could I bring my family into family...Their all dead, aren't they? I shouldn't be allowed to live, I only bring pain and death with me wherever where I go..." I hear the click of a gun and a cold hardness behind my head. A deep chuckle resounds behind me.

"Is that so, Honey? I am a pretty good actor if I do say so myself." That voice. It makes me want to jump in his arms, even though he betrayed me.

"Do it. I dare you, I don't want to live anyway. Please, Ezekiel."

"Now, what's the fun in that?" Ezekiel chuckles and sits down on the little boy's chest staring at me intently. He puts his gun down and sets it on the boys head.

"Could you not do that? Show some respect at least." I tell him angrily, pushing him off of the poor boy, and picking up his gun. He chuckles from the ground he slowly gets up and dusts off his clothing. "Why are you here?! Can't you just let me be in my own misery until the war?"

"I have to take down the enemy somehow." He lifts his arm around my shoulders. I grab his arm and throw him over my shoulder easily. He once again gets off of the ground and dusts off his clothing.

"Hun, you're really getting on my nerves. I thought we were mates!" He puts his hand over his heart and wipes away a few fake tears.

"I thought you were an amazing actor, obviously that performance just now was a bit...shitty, just like your personality." I restrain from grinning widely, but Ezekiel smiles widely showing off his dimples. He is so fucking attractive. My wolf, Lilyan comments. Lily, he betrayed us in the worst way possible. I groan. Hey, at least we didn't even complete the mating process. What if he murdered your whole family and then you had children he slowly broke them until they were shells of the people they once were, having you watch the whole process. After that, he'd have sexual relations with lots of women more than 5 per day knowing you would have to feel the pain, bringing you to death slowly every time. Finally, he has you at the brink of death then tells you this whole time he was destroying everything you worked for, your family, the war, and him.

What. The. Fuck? Lilyan calm down.

"-Pay Attention to me. I'm bored!" Ezekiel makes a face at me.

"Did-did you just? Did you just quote Lucifer?!" Ezekiel's eyebrows raise in surprise, but he shrugs it off.

"I guess so?" He states it as a question.

"Superatural's Lucifer? Not you're father." I chuckle a bit at Ezekiel's offended face. "I can actually point out all of your flaws now without caring. Like how you probably killed your mother instead of you father. Maybe you're worse than your father and maybe, just maybe you ruined the relationship with your family, not him-"Ezekiel shoots me with some energy blast effectively throwing me across the camp. I land right next a dead witch.

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