Chapter 15

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Chapter 15~

"You guys here to murder me?" I ask laughing nervously.

"That's too easy. We're here to dismember you, obviously." I'm guessing the one to my right is Jess, because it was a girl's voice.

"Jess! She's lying." I'm guessing Milo? Probably.

"I know she is, I'm just trying to break the ice. We're meeting, ugh did the guy tell me his name before? I forgot." Just as that was said Jess and Milo let go of me and stepped back. A large man steps out of the woods and shakes my hand.

"Dash Valentine, alpha of lost shadow. I forgot you all drive on the right side of the road. It was a pain in the arse getting here." He puts his hand out for me to shake. "I was starting to wonder when you would call me up. Thinking your father had taken care of the problem, but apparently not." His British accent was stronger than Jess and Milo's. The two took off their robes showing their faces. He seems awfully familiar.

"Why did you guys go through all this trouble just so people wouldn't see your faces?" Jess crosses her arms and glares at me, what I do to offend her?

"Because some people would recognize us." He explains.

"But my dad saw your face, didn't he?"

"No, I have only showed my face to a few, in fact I'm not quite sure why you haven't noticed anything yet. Those two rarely show their faces." He waves his hand toward the ever so happy Jess and constipated Milo. I stare at his face trying my hardest to remember where I had seen that face from, and I finally got it. He's a royal.

"You're the king?! Ho-ly Shit! I mean...Excuse me my majesty. Pardon my French." I quickly fall onto one knee in front of him.

"Anastasia, There is no need for that. You're basically family to me." He picks me up by my arms making me stand up on my feet. I dust off my knees.

"I am? How? The Unseelie court isn't exactly the best court to be related too, at least from what I've heard. Then again I'm related to the Seelie court too, wow I'm basically Fae royalty. You must like Fae then, Oh I'm rambling." I blush feverishly and hide my face with my hair. There goes first impressions with the King.

"The little buggers from the Unseelie court are very mischievous and most of the time always up to no good, but not all of them are like that. Some grow up from evil, but end up good. Some have the opposite. Your grandmother and you Great aunt are a great example. A sweet loving home, though one side was evil and one was good. Your great aunt followed her mother's footsteps, while you grandmother followed her father's footsteps. Another example, your father grew from the worst and became good with a bit flaws of course." He told me, and I nodded pretending that made sense to me.

"She doesn't understand the Fae, father." Jess told her father. Her arms still crossed and the glare still stuck on her face, does she have any other facial expression?

"She will have too soon anyway, Jess." Milo moved towards them both from his resting spot on the side of a tree.

"I will? Why?"

"Titiana has no heir, of course you're the only one left to take the crown." Dash told me pointing to his crown atop of his head. When'd that get there?

"But what about my father?"

"He can't be heir to two different courts." Jess said sarcastically switching from her glare to the "are you stupid?" Look.

"Oh." I step back a few paces. "Wait, why did you guys even come here? Is Lost Shadow the Royal pack?"

"Obviously not." Jess once again has to butt in with a sarcastic remark.

"I get it you don't like me, Jess. It was a simple question."


"Girls." Dash quiets us down immediately with the power in the voice. "We are here for help, as in whatever you need we are always here."

"Well-" I start, but a loud rumpling noise goes off behind me. I immediately jump in front of the king, but he pushed me away and growled at the intruder.

"Shit that hur-Oops." Ezekiel gets up from off the ground, and dusts off his knees. He slowly puts his hands up and walks towards me, but the king sets off a warning growl.

"I guess I'm not welcomed here, but could you back off my mate, kid." Ezekiel's eyes shift to my waist where Milos's hands are resting, I quickly swap them away and he blushes. I walk over to Ezekiel and kiss him on the cheek, since when am I so lovey-dovey? Is this going too fast?

"He's with me, Dash." Holy shit! That's the king! Do I bow? I have no idea what to do? I hear Ezekiel's worried voice go through our link.

"Oh in that case, my names Dash, or as you would know me as "The king"."

"My father thinks you're a dick." Ezekiel mutters, but his eyes widen once he realizes he said it out loud. Dash laughs loudly.

"You fathers an arsehole, He thinks he can take anyone's territory. It has caused me very unnecessary paper work and complaints." Dash pats Ezekiel head twice.

"So how do you know Ana?" Ezekiel asks wrapping his hand across my waist.

"Let's just say we go way back. Plus, she's more family." Dash assures him, but Milo is still blushing. When I look him in the eye he looks away acting a though he hasn't been staring holes into my chest the last few minutes. Ezekiel could've at least giving me a shirt that shows less cleavage, but then again I'm wearing pants instead of short shorts. Dash checks his watch and looks back up at me. "We have to get back to our hotel, we will be in reach soon." They all change into their Royal white wolves leaving only Ezekiel, Me, and their clothing that we have to pick up. 

"Ezekiel, why'd you get back so early? Is your father suspicious?"

"Yeah, but I told him I will take care of the problems. As in that means you and your whole family. Fae and werewolf family too."

"He knows I'm a hybrid?" I Pick up the robes and undergarments.

"Yeah, he does. I have no idea how he got the information though. You father is registered everywhere as Blake Greene, he even has a fake birth certificate?" We reach the end of the woods and head back to the camp.

"He does? Huh. Cool." 

"Maybe your father took someones life? As in he killed them and took his identity."


Finished two chapters in two days, albeit they're not the best, but still I did it!! I have to end it here. Sorry :( I feel so bad, but my dad is whining about how I have to go to bed? Who does that anymore?! Ugh, I'm so awake. I have no photos or anything and this I really short, again sorry to whoever's still reading? Again, not edited. Bound to find tons of grammatical and spelling errors again. I had to hurry, once again sorry. I'll try better next time I pinky promise *Holds out pinky*

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